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Posted by Juan Paulino on Apr-13-2013 10:57:

^ Thanks anyone else?

Posted by chris marsh on Apr-13-2013 11:11:


My turn.

Just had a quick listen on my laptop (heard the newest version just linked the old one by accident)

what really popped out for me (on the lappy anyway) is that i feel theres a lack of high freq content

Compare it to a pro track, look at a freq analyzer like voxengos free SPAN and look at the volume of their hats/highs

When at the correct volume you may feel like they need it a bit more attention as they are more prominent (well this is what happened to me anyway)

This is IMO of course and not everyone may agree

sounds nice generally though

Posted by chris marsh on Apr-13-2013 11:19:

Originally posted by evo8
its gets too heavy for me raphie around the 4min mark, too much mid rangey stuff, i think its the reverb/delay on the acid line thats killing it - its drowning out the bassline as well

also its a bit treble heavy for my own ears - but i do like the overall groove!

Again im only on my laptop but what jumps out at me is this:

Nice groove with drums/bass. Nice Clap, very nice

imo synths get repetitive and need some embellishment/musicality

I agree acid line sounds a bit muddy

Detail - fxs/automation/whooshes etc would make it a lot more interesting. Im only just beginning to appreciate how important this is

Posted by Juan Paulino on Apr-13-2013 11:25:

Thanks Chris will check that out.

Posted by Raphie on Apr-14-2013 09:22:

The track still needs some work, but it want it to remain deep, so very floaty subtle changes evolving repetive over time. The midrange will be a challenge as that is a tape echo filling my TT-303, highpassing the tape echo too much will kill the 200<>700hz of the rumble which I consider part of the vibe. I might need to create some space elsewhere. FX wise, yes it can use a bit more ear candy here and there.
Might continue working on it tonight.
For me the "less is more" is very important in this one, very few elements, bit more complex rythms that interact and enrich and not nececarilly make sense by themselves, but when slowly put together it starts building.

Originally posted by chris marsh
Again im only on my laptop but what jumps out at me is this:

Nice groove with drums/bass. Nice Clap, very nice

imo synths get repetitive and need some embellishment/musicality

I agree acid line sounds a bit muddy

Detail - fxs/automation/whooshes etc would make it a lot more interesting. Im only just beginning to appreciate how important this is

Posted by Dj_Kile on Apr-14-2013 15:10:

I posted this one sometime ago in the promotion section
did some remastering, sounds pretty nice

Posted by Andy28 on Apr-14-2013 17:47:

Originally posted by Dj_Kile
sounds pretty nice

But you just cant beat the original

Posted by Dj_Kile on Apr-14-2013 18:30:

Originally posted by Andy28
But you just cant beat the original

yeah for sure, for me one of the "classic" trance anthem

Posted by Rodri Santos on Apr-15-2013 12:01:

One Release - I know what you did.

I love the strings part very well executed, nice psy touches along with the classical anthem type saws.

Here's something i am working on, almost no automations and some sounds need a bit of tuning but this is the general idea of what i've been working in.

Posted by Richard Butler on Apr-15-2013 12:34:

Originally posted by Juan Paulino
^ Thanks anyone else?

It doesn't really have a personality mate, it's just basic, and I know you can do a lot better.

Posted by Raphie on Apr-15-2013 19:32:

did some more work

Posted by Richard Butler on Apr-16-2013 21:44:

New wip - will re-do vocals and add more of them.

Any thoughts so far?

Sorry for youtube - can't upload to SC right now.

Posted by Raphie on Apr-17-2013 07:00:

I like, makes me think of kosheen drums for some reason

Posted by Juan Paulino on Apr-17-2013 07:28:

I love, good track richard, keep it up.

Posted by Richard Butler on Apr-17-2013 12:24:

Originally posted by Juan Paulino
I love, good track richard, keep it up.

Cheers Juan and Raphie - I am making it better than this and re - doing the vocals and adding more and it seems to be just comming together fast. Will post up when finished shortly.

Wasn't sure about the bass as it sounds a bit rock musicish. I will reduce the subby end a bit.

Posted by Juan Paulino on Apr-18-2013 12:17:

Updated, replaced a pad with another included a choir and brand new lead.

Posted by tehlord on Apr-18-2013 12:23:

Awesome as always Rich. I'd like to hear more of that vocal in the mix but I love the drum and bassline grit and dirt.

JP, I think that kick is totally overpowering the mix right now. It's a fairly chilled out sound and the kick is right there in your face. The synth parts wantz moar wide delay and verb imo too.

Posted by Rodri Santos on Apr-18-2013 12:32:

JP Prog house WIP: I like the kick it's not that chilled, i think you could use this track as a reference, i see some similarities even though this is electroish:

Posted by Juan Paulino on Apr-18-2013 12:35:

What kinda kick do you suggest? i'll put it in and see how it fits.

Posted by Rodri Santos on Apr-18-2013 12:53:

Finished this one, the idea comes from the thread of making the tracks more stereo, i made this atmospheric track with lots of panning and background elements.

Posted by Juan Paulino on Apr-19-2013 11:50:

Here's an uplifting trancer by me, i guess this is my roots.

Posted by Richard Butler on Apr-19-2013 12:10:

JP - I prefer the uplifting transer to the prog track. Sounding nice n clear - is this the intro - will there be some chord changes?

RODRI - that bird tweeting sound is way too distracting. If you really want to use I'd suggest it makes a rare appearance here n there as it adds nothing to the groove or anything.

Posted by Juan Paulino on Apr-19-2013 12:16:

Yes there will def be some chord changes, i started it around 6 am today and will finish it, cheers. It is the intro, yes to that.

Posted by Juan Paulino on Apr-19-2013 19:24:

Updated with breakdown and added a name to the tune.

Posted by Rodri Santos on Apr-19-2013 19:33:

I like the presence of the kick but maybe is too overpowering, at what dbs is peaking? Bassline is great but the pykes and mid bassline sound horrible to me i'd use totally different sounds. Pads seem fine too, love the sfx sample similar to PvD - Nothing but you

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