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-- WIP thread (DJRYAN now allowed to post tracks)
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Posted by Trancelover03591 on Jan-13-2014 03:21:

Originally posted by theterran
Haven't been on here in ages...Thought I'd drop by and throw up something new I've been workin' on. Gettin' into that darker vibe lately.

Sounds great to me, nothing I can really suggest to change.

Posted by Trancelover03591 on Jan-13-2014 03:55:

Originally posted by Richard Butler
So I re did my 'hard' club track, it's just about finished for once. I quite like the simplicity but as it's still a WIP I'm open eared if any changes needed.

Terran I deffo ddn#t mean squarey I meant woody - probably around the 200-400 hz range.

Cool track. I probably call it techno myself.

Posted by Dj_Kile on Jan-14-2014 10:34:

Hi guys, been a while since I've been active

I've been into Psy for a while now, been working on this track
for a while, it's a remix ...not final master
this one is 11 rms , the final one is 8rms

what you think ?

Posted by Vancouver on Jan-14-2014 17:09:

Here is a remix I just did. Any advice? tips? criticism?

Posted by Raphie on Jan-14-2014 19:54:

going back to so warm organic house/trance groove

very much WIP but just laid down a few of the elements to see whether the vibe gells or not

Posted by Seandroid on Jan-14-2014 19:58:

So is this the part where the thread derails and nobody posts advice anymore, or? That's like 3 in a row now lol.

Posted by Dj_Kile on Jan-15-2014 10:09:

Originally posted by Seandroid
So is this the part where the thread derails and nobody posts advice anymore, or? That's like 3 in a row now lol.

...i'll go first

Posted by Dj_Kile on Jan-15-2014 10:15:

Originally posted by Vancouver
Here is a remix I just did. Any advice? tips? criticism?

I like the intro, very promising
I'm not warming up to the string that comes ~"00:52" (the main string)
if you insist on using it, maybe try add some filtering phases (open/close)

add some open hats, some percussion to changing it up (adds to the groove)

Posted by Dj_Kile on Jan-15-2014 10:23:

Originally posted by Raphie
going back to so warm organic house/trance groove

very much WIP but just laid down a few of the elements to see whether the vibe gells or not

Hey Raphie, long time man, used to follow your WIPs posts closely

anyway, the dry snare works well with the strings you have in there
the bass changes are interesting, maybe see if you can open the filter on that bass once is changes up and close it back, maybe while adding some distortion

the rests sounds very nice, i like it

Posted by TranceLover007 on Jan-16-2014 18:39:

Originally posted by Dj_Kile
Hi guys, been a while since I've been active

I've been into Psy for a while now, been working on this track
for a while, it's a remix ...not final master
this one is 11 rms , the final one is 8rms

what you think ?

It is actually a cool work man, still have some polishing to do but overall good concept and quite interesting delivery. I'm still missing some typical melodic chords with cutoff filters on it, sweeping throughout this whole entire track + possibly more different type of effects on your massive amount FX (like glitching or stuttering if you know what I mean?) to make this whole listening experience more interesting - just my $0.02.



Posted by TranceLover007 on Jan-16-2014 18:57:

Originally posted by Vancouver
Here is a remix I just did. Any advice? tips? criticism?

Like the way your intro is constructed my friend (as Dj_Kile mention in his replay already) but after that I can't get a grip of the vibe in this entire track (or if you want to call it a "riff") + some sound choices could benefit from slight adjustment to their own characteristic. If I would have to judge this production strictly how it is right now I wouldn't be able to give you high score for it base on the fact that this melodic idea couldn't really stick with me (but I know that you are not far from creating something really sweet man).

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful but this is my honest opinion on your work at the moment.



Posted by TranceLover007 on Jan-18-2014 00:54:

It is just a WIP for vocal recording so I will have to completely rely on your artistic imagination as in the future a soft female voice will be a big part of this track/song. Another thing is that some of the transitions or parts of this track will be definitely polish and massage much more then it is right now

Give it a run and tell me if this melodic development is catching your attention



DariusX - "LOVE PERCEPTION" (WIP for Vocal Recording) by DariusX.

Posted by DJ RANN on Jan-18-2014 02:20:

Originally posted by Dj_Kile
Hi guys, been a while since I've been active

I've been into Psy for a while now, been working on this track
for a while, it's a remix ...not final master
this one is 11 rms , the final one is 8rms

what you think ?

Daaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnggg man, long time! Welcome back. See they all come back to TA eventually

This actually reminds me of the of the deeper prog I'd get when buying records in Germany or Switzerland, and I miss it. The mix is good and the eq'ing tight. I think my only criticism is that nearly all the ounds have some kind of modulation on them, be it in the sounds themselves or as FX. I think that;s the sound anyway but just simply for my preference, I'd love to hear more of that drive you've captured (via the groove) just speak for itself. Good work though

Posted by Dj_Kile on Jan-18-2014 15:59:

Originally posted by TranceLover007
It is actually a cool work man, still have some polishing to do but overall good concept and quite interesting delivery. I'm still missing some typical melodic chords with cutoff filters on it, sweeping throughout this whole entire track + possibly more different type of effects on your massive amount FX (like glitching or stuttering if you know what I mean?) to make this whole listening experience more interesting - just my $0.02.

yea lot's of Fx in there, many from the original track, and some I've added, I tried not to overload keep it also bit dry
definitely there is a place for some atmosphere line to run through
and some typical prog psy fx/glitches, yea

Originally posted by DJ RANN
Daaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnggg man, long time! Welcome back. See they all come back to TA eventually

This actually reminds me of the of the deeper prog I'd get when buying records in Germany or Switzerland, and I miss it. The mix is good and the eq'ing tight. I think my only criticism is that nearly all the ounds have some kind of modulation on them, be it in the sounds themselves or as FX. I think that;s the sound anyway but just simply for my preference, I'd love to hear more of that drive you've captured (via the groove) just speak for itself. Good work though

Hey Rann, yea man hard to forget about this place
Thanks for the feedback, lot's of Fx in this track as TranceLover007 mentioned, the most important thing for me was the mood and the drive
There were some sounds that i had to use from the original track which sounds way different

Posted by evo8 on Jan-18-2014 20:34:

Originally posted by Seandroid
So is this the part where the thread derails and nobody posts advice anymore, or? That's like 3 in a row now lol.

there are a few repeat offenders as well if you watch...

Posted by evo8 on Jan-18-2014 20:38:

Originally posted by TranceLover007
It is just a WIP for vocal recording so I will have to completely rely on your artistic imagination as in the future a soft female voice will be a big part of this track/song. Another thing is that some of the transitions or parts of this track will be definitely polish and massage much more then it is right now

Give it a run and tell me if this melodic development is catching your attention



DariusX - "LOVE PERCEPTION" (WIP for Vocal Recording) by DariusX.

sorry Darek, the melody isnt really doing it for me, a little too "nice" for want of a better description, wouldnt be gone on the percussion/groove either

Posted by chris marsh on Jan-18-2014 22:58:

Agreed Evo. This tread has been awesome, but people cant expect to get feedback without giving a bit back too

Originally posted by TranceLover007
It is just a WIP for vocal recording so I will have to completely rely on your artistic imagination as in the future a soft female voice will be a big part of this track/song. Another thing is that some of the transitions or parts of this track will be definitely polish and massage much more then it is right now

Give it a run and tell me if this melodic development is catching your attention



DariusX - "LOVE PERCEPTION" (WIP for Vocal Recording) by DariusX.

Hi Derek

hope you are good

i like this, nice arpeggiated chord sequence and i like the stings underneath, could have some lovely vox on top could be nice imo!

i think the kick could be much stronger, and you could also do with some kind of sub in there imo to drive things along. I think the low end in general could do with a bit of attention. I useful thing for me is to low pass a reference track then low pass your own i find that helpful anyway

perhaps you could also have some more subtle layers on top of the synths to make things sparkle a bit more??


Posted by chris marsh on Jan-18-2014 23:08:

Originally posted by Dj_Kile
Hi guys, been a while since I've been active

I've been into Psy for a while now, been working on this track
for a while, it's a remix ...not final master
this one is 11 rms , the final one is 8rms

what you think ?

this sounds really tight to me at the start. i love the beats and bass and one of the pluck synths too

i find the drop at 3.00 a bit of a let down an im not keen on the filter mod synth here either, i think the theres a bit too much sidechain or filter modulation on the off beats going on overall and i would like to see it go in a more defined direction.

Imo it could be really awesome with some work

Only my humble opinion, i know nothing about psy trance at all btw so defo take with apinch of salt

Posted by chris marsh on Jan-18-2014 23:11:

Hi guys

I got a much better mic and re recorded the singer (still a cheap preamp mind you)

Still needs fx and fills and finishing touches

If i was doing it again i would get the double tracking tighter

any critical feedback gratefully received

This is the first tune ie made in this style but enjoying so far


Posted by Deillon on Jan-19-2014 09:10:

I got a much better mic and re recorded the singer (still a cheap preamp mind you)

Sounds good, mixwise. Definitely needs more background stuff, and not just fx. Alot of instruments would fit in this kind of music.

Posted by Deillon on Jan-19-2014 09:13:

Originally posted by Vancouver
Here is a remix I just did. Any advice? tips? criticism?

Yuck, the track is very cheesy, consider redesigning the synths and spicing up the melodies, it all sounds a bit simple.

Posted by evo8 on Jan-19-2014 12:39:

Originally posted by chris marsh

Hi guys

I got a much better mic and re recorded the singer (still a cheap preamp mind you)

Still needs fx and fills and finishing touches

If i was doing it again i would get the double tracking tighter

any critical feedback gratefully received

This is the first tune ie made in this style but enjoying so far


i kinda detest this type of music but the mixing sounds good to me

Posted by chris marsh on Jan-20-2014 01:15:

Party Hat

Originally posted by evo8
i kinda detest this type of music but the mixing sounds good to me

lolz yup its a bit cheesy i guess, just experimenting with different styles atm

Posted by Trancelover03591 on Jan-20-2014 05:58:

Originally posted by TranceLover007
It is just a WIP for vocal recording so I will have to completely rely on your artistic imagination as in the future a soft female voice will be a big part of this track/song. Another thing is that some of the transitions or parts of this track will be definitely polish and massage much more then it is right now

Give it a run and tell me if this melodic development is catching your attention



DariusX - "LOVE PERCEPTION" (WIP for Vocal Recording) by DariusX.

I like it - it's something different. I can't tell but it feel like some of the percussion elements aren't in tune with the song. Maybe try tuning them?

Posted by Trancelover03591 on Jan-20-2014 06:13:

Originally posted by chris marsh

Hi guys

I got a much better mic and re recorded the singer (still a cheap preamp mind you)

Still needs fx and fills and finishing touches

If i was doing it again i would get the double tracking tighter

any critical feedback gratefully received

This is the first tune ie made in this style but enjoying so far


Kind of generic vocal house to me, but sounds really quality in terms of production.

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