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Posted by TranceLover007 on Nov-19-2013 23:02:

Originally posted by Seandroid

OK at 3:00 mark till 3:15 I would like to hear a bit polished transition to 3:15 part which is really good with nice emotional impact on listener (with this nice symphonic synths sound) -> at 3:29 this particular arpy sounding pluck (you can leave if you really like it) I would support (at least from 3:55) with something sharp and thick like this sound at 1:26 or combo of two or more synths:

Sorry if you don't like Avicii lol, it is just for reference only


Posted by TranceLover007 on Nov-19-2013 23:10:

Originally posted by Andy28
That was actually my track that he quoted but went wrong and it looked like he posted it lol

Look for the ninjitsu track thats his.. Speaking of which the bit from 45s to 58s is really groovy, just needs the bass to be more huge!

Can you post a link to this track as I'm having problem locating it and don't wont to spend too much time surfing this thread for it it



Posted by Andy28 on Nov-20-2013 07:31:

Its this one..

Originally posted by Vancouver
Peep this. let me know what you like and dislike. I tried to keep things constantly changing. track produced on reason6

Posted by jf2010 on Nov-20-2013 12:56:

Originally posted by evo8

pretty good man, would make a nice intro track into a heavy set, those arp'd plucks are nice

Just wondering if it would sound better without the silent part before the drop?

Cheers for the feedback man. Its still pretty rough just now so will look at changing that transition for sure.. thanks

Posted by jf2010 on Nov-20-2013 13:00:

Originally posted by TranceLover007
I would definitely say that this idea is really sweet my friend but unfortunately your execution is not at the same level -> your volume level is really low in this WIP and because of that your dynamics suffer quite a bit. I had to turn my volume level almost all the way up to have some acceptable listening experience so try to spend a bit more time on this aspect of your production and result could give you a lot more benefits then you think

Just my $0.02


Glad you like dude, the first 30 secs i think i will change or trim as they are quite low, for the rest i wanted it to be somewhat quieter than the main drop. cheers

Posted by evo8 on Nov-20-2013 13:20:

bit of the old "writers block" for the past 3 or 4 weeks - finally got back into some tunes

any opinions on this?

Posted by Richard Butler on Nov-22-2013 13:43:

Originally posted by evo8
bit of the old "writers block" for the past 3 or 4 weeks - finally got back into some tunes

any opinions on this?

Really dig the early part when it's all subdued and the synth is closed up, but after this it looses all the mystery for me. Personally I'd prefer it all centred around the early vibe but others may like it as it is.

Posted by sr126 on Nov-23-2013 03:20:

Since there's three tracks in the post im quoting, it might a little easier to leave comments on all the tracks.

Seandroid: The track is not my style, but I do appreciate the ambition to tell a story, and go somewhere instead of churning out some some boring motif stretched out (w/different drum parts coming and going, and 10min drumroll, or some other stupid build up just to hear the same tired old motif that got stale 8 bars after the song started) to steal 5-10 of my life. I'll have to give it a few more listens to try to get into it, and maybe i can offer a more detailed critique.

TranceLover007: Not really my style either... but a little closer to what I would listen to. I felt your bassline was a little to loud in relationship w/the kick. It sounded a little too upfront, or more approprietly the kick and the claps/hat sound too soft/low in volume.

I liked the sense of space behind all the elements the reverb creates, but the mix feels like it lacks some depth. W/the reverb making everything sound more upfront/closer to the listener, but the relationship between the sounds feel more like differences in volume w/out much of a sense distance, making soundstage sounds a little off in my opinion.

BluffMonkey: This more my style. I would love to hear you develop the idea more. I hear major balance issues. To me, the kick is way too loud. instead of turning the kick down, turn everything else UP! The element/melody that comes in @ :30... barely noticable. I can't really comment on the other aspects of your mix, since I can't hear it. ;p It's stuff worth listening to, but it's hard to enjoy it as much as possible w/that kick stomping all over everything.

Originally posted by Seandroid
I absolutely love how punchy the bass line is!

I think the synth in the breakdown that starts at 1:30ish is a little too simple. It doesn't have much character. It's too clean.

I'd actually say the latter half of the track is where it starts to lose direction for me. I had hoped it was going to have a huge impact into something powerful and big but it's very gentle.

It works though. And I mean, it depends what your direction was and where you wanted to take it. It could be very purposeful.

That throaty bass line is fucking dope.

Here's what I've got going, I posted an earlier version a while ago but this is approaching full length now.

Posted by Raphie on Nov-23-2013 20:11:

trying some drone noodle scary spacy stuff, think Aliens...

Posted by evo8 on Nov-24-2013 18:29:

Originally posted by Richard Butler
Really dig the early part when it's all subdued and the synth is closed up, but after this it looses all the mystery for me. Personally I'd prefer it all centred around the early vibe but others may like it as it is.

yeah theres something wrong with the mix in this track when i listened on my itouch so may abandon it altogether

Posted by Richard Butler on Nov-24-2013 21:49:

Originally posted by Raphie
trying some drone noodle scary spacy stuff, think Aliens...

Yes conjours up the aliens alright. Nice sounds, from your Moog?

EVO - I think the early part of that track is great, don't scrap it!

Here's a WIP where I'm trying to keep things cleaner and simpler;

Posted by UrbanNinja on Nov-25-2013 05:20:

Posted by evo8 on Nov-25-2013 13:32:

Originally posted by Richard Butler
Yes conjours up the aliens alright. Nice sounds, from your Moog?

EVO - I think the early part of that track is great, don't scrap it!

Here's a WIP where I'm trying to keep things cleaner and simpler;

cool track but that kick doesnt have enough low impact for me

Posted by Richard Butler on Nov-25-2013 15:14:

Originally posted by evo8
cool track but that kick doesnt have enough low impact for me

I had you in mind when making this. The thing is with DnB the bassline usually handles the low end, with the kick being more of a chest punch higher up the scale.

You wouldn't believe the efforts I go to on this!

Without really massive sidechaining on the bass line I don't know how I could give the kick much more low end ooopmf?

I could of course play bass notes around the kick but I like the constant bass line you get in a lot of D N B now.

Any thoughts on this?

Posted by Deillon on Nov-25-2013 17:59:

Originally posted by Richard Butler
Here's a WIP where I'm trying to keep things cleaner and simpler;

Nice vibe at the beginning, didn't like the second part though.

Posted by TranceElevation on Nov-25-2013 18:15:

Originally posted by UrbanNinja

Omg, again...

Posted by SystematicX1 on Nov-25-2013 19:17:

Need help with this...I am getting some weird separation from the kick /bass and everything else and for the life of me I can't figure out how. Any suggestions?

Posted by UrbanNinja on Nov-25-2013 19:38:

Originally posted by TranceElevation
Omg, again...

I know its good, thanks.

Posted by TranceLover007 on Nov-25-2013 20:02:

Originally posted by Andy28
Its this one..

Damn it, sounds like I'm too late again lol, maybe next time !!


Posted by TranceLover007 on Nov-25-2013 20:09:

Originally posted by Raphie
trying some drone noodle scary spacy stuff, think Aliens...

Interesting concept man and I think you should be able to release some very cool FX pack with those sounds!!!


Posted by TranceLover007 on Nov-25-2013 20:17:

Originally posted by Richard Butler
Yes conjours up the aliens alright. Nice sounds, from your Moog?

EVO - I think the early part of that track is great, don't scrap it!

Here's a WIP where I'm trying to keep things cleaner and simpler;

As for early WIP Richard - this is pretty awesome man, like this melody and vocal a lot and I think this is one of the best from you so far (at lease for me).

Lots of potential I can in this WIP - so keep working on it and lets us know when is this in a bit more advance production stage !!!


Posted by TranceLover007 on Nov-25-2013 20:27:

Originally posted by UrbanNinja

You are one of those guys who consistently and continuously improves his technique and skills - one of the cleanest and better sound balanced work so far from you Juan - it is still long way to go (like for almost all of us over here lol) but you are definitely on the right track my friend.

As far as your work, (for my perspective) you still need some more/additional variation to you melody/instruments.



Posted by TranceLover007 on Nov-25-2013 20:33:

Originally posted by scorpradio
Need help with this...I am getting some weird separation from the kick /bass and everything else and for the life of me I can't figure out how. Any suggestions?

Damn it man, what happen over there lol - have no idea what can cause this but sound like over-compress mono track lol - sorry to not be able to give you any more specific info on it but you are definitively right about this "weird separation" issue


Posted by SystematicX1 on Nov-25-2013 20:37:

Originally posted by TranceLover007
Damn it man, what happen over there lol - have no idea what can cause this but sound like over-compress mono track lol - sorry to not be able to give you any more specific info on it but you are definitively right about this "weird separation" issue


well...I "think" I may have just found out and I dont know why I did it. I have two kicks layered and only one in mono. Bass as well was not in mono. I hope this remedies this
Thanks for taking the time Darek...really appreciate that

Posted by Richard Butler on Nov-26-2013 13:20:

Originally posted by UrbanNinja

Nice sound overall mate. I want to hear a distinctive track from you now rather than this fairly static film score with a kick drum.

Like your mixing.

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