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Posted by Mike V on Oct-29-2010 00:24:

Connected Radio 30th October 2010 featuring Mr. Pit Exclusive interview and Guest Mix.

Live 12.00pm (GMT +12)
Stream Live:
Get Connected

Posted by safehousedjbabe on Oct-29-2010 21:10:
Make sure to listen between 7-10pm (Standard eastern time)

Posted by Alan Banks on Nov-01-2010 22:18:

Episode 007 rolls out on November 4th on 1 Mix Radio at 6pm. Special guests this month include Egyptian superstars who let us in on a little more info on tracks that are rocking the dancefloors worldwide. Aly & Fila's new album is out to buy now. 'Rising Sun' features plenty of typical uplifting monsters and some amazing collaborations. Not only with a new album but also a successful record label, Future Sound of Egypt and an exahusting international tour date we tie them down for long enough to get their top 3 tracks....

Also this month we sit down and chat to new Northern trance party Elevate about their upcoming launch party on the 5th November.

Tickets to their event can be bought HERE

And check out the FACEBOOKgroup

Don't forget you can tune into the show EXCLUSIVE to 1 Mix radio and then listen again anytime on Mixcloud and through iTunes....





Posted by Tim Robert on Nov-10-2010 15:13:

Headlands 018 with Eitan Carmi - Nov 11/12 on Pure.FM Progressive

"Headlands" Radio Show
With guest mix by Eitan Carmi
Hosted by Tim Robert on Pure.FM Progressive -
Thursday November 11, 8-10 PM EST, Friday November 12, GMT 01:00 - 03:00

With an emphasis on propulsive rhythms and edgy textures, "Headlands" showcases
the latest in progressive house and features a guest mix each month by both established
and up-and-coming DJ/Producers. This month features a guest mix by Eitan Carmi.

One of the most talked about progressive house acts this year has been Eitan Carmi.
After touring worldwide for many years with his psychedelic trance project Fatali,
Eitan developed a passion for slower, deeper material,‪ and‬ launched his progressive
house project in early 2009. He immediately generated a buzz with his debut track
"Subtle", and a series of excellent tracks such as "Feel" and "Sunshine In You"
followed. With support from the likes of John 00 Fleming, Derek Howell and Sandra
Collins, Eitan Carmi will be a force to be reckoned with in 2011 and beyond.

Posted by cyberiansoundz on Nov-11-2010 20:39:

Broadcasts Schedule for Trance Movement Radioshow with Cyberian Soundz

Broadcasts Schedule for Trance Movement Radioshow
Hosted by Cyberian Soundz + International Guests:

Every Monday @ Synthetik Visions Radio (USA)
(3pm-5pm EST) -

Every Tuesday @ Greece Mix (Greece)
(3pm-5pm EST) -

Every Wednesday @ Dance Radio (Canada)
(8am-10am EST) -

Every Thursday @ The Art of Trance Radio (USA)
(10am-12pm EST) -

Every Friday @ TranceCrypt Radio (USA - Canada)
(10am-12pm EST) -

Randomly @ (Greece)
(Random Times)

Posted by NiteMer on Nov-21-2010 15:09:

Old Norsk Sessions EP10 on DI and Trance FM

Episode 10 is coming up quickly, so tune in!

Monday, Nov 22nd from 4-6pm EST at


Saturday, Dec 4th from 1-2pm EST/7-8pm CET at

The DI episode features a guest mix from one of Denver's Finest, DJ Anomaly

Posted by EL-Jay on Nov-24-2010 13:56:

Worm Popper EL-Jay - TranceStoned 014 @ Trance Channel Tonight

EL-Jay - TranceStoned 014 @ -2010.11.24

My Highlight of the month: TRANCESTONED, today at 21:00 CET (Central EL-Jay Time).
Tonight a special episode, maybe, best of all. Untamed hardbeats, pure uplifting and
4 beautifull promo/releases of Silent Shore Records.
But there is more! Searched for the finest uplifting classics to get the perfect EARgasm.
See you tonight at Trance Channel Forum,
with following tracklist and diehards community talks, be there.

Preview of expecting tracks

Posted by Alan Banks on Nov-29-2010 20:04:


Episode 008 rolls into town for the Xmas season on December 2nd. Special guests this month. We welcome Irelands biggest export John O'Callaghan to give us his top 3 tracks. John's risen through the ranks of the trance world with numerous trance anthems under his belt. Big Sky, Find Yourself, Exactly, The Chamber have all been taken into the hearts of the trance world and made into classic status. With the tracks comes John's own record label, Subculture which as well as releasing quality trance and techno has also hosted sell out parties in his home land of Ireland. With John's grueling international schedule and busy times spent in the studio we are very excited to have him appear on the show.

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Also guesting is London party La Dolce Vita. Not content with running a hugely successful house party in London city Justin Hayward (the man behind the brand) has stretched out into the trance world with In:Volved. Already with one sucessful party under it's belt there are loads more to come from In:Volved as well as news on La Dolce Vita's monthly residency. Find out more in the show and follow the links below to join the group.


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Tune in on

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or catch up with the shows

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Posted by marcie on Nov-30-2010 05:59:

Behind The Lyric 21 Debut (D. Ramirez, Melissa Loretta, & more!)

DI.FM Today, November 30th:
-2PM US Eastern,
-20:00 CET

Air dates on over 40 FM & internet stations to follow.

Catch ALL Your Favorite Episodes Here:

EXCLUSIVE interviews mixed over non-stop music!

Emma Hewitt, Roger Shah, Above and Beyond, Jes & More !!

Posted by Luxor75 on Nov-30-2010 19:34:

"A Beautiful Place" mixed live by Mark Khoen on

Mark Khoen on

Hey my friends, hear the great radioshow called "A Beautiful Place" mixed live by Mark Khoen on

You can hear and download for FREE it on:

The show is every week on thursday at 18:00 to 19:00 (cet time)



Posted by Tim Robert on Dec-08-2010 17:52:

Headlands 019 with Niko Fantin - Dec 09/10 on Pure.FM Progressive

"Headlands" Radio Show
With guest mix by Niko Fantin
Hosted by Tim Robert on Pure.FM Progressive -
Thursday December 09, 8-10 PM EST, Friday December 10, GMT 01:00 - 03:00

With an emphasis on propulsive rhythms and edgy textures, "Headlands" showcases
the latest in progressive house and features a guest mix each month by both established
and up-and-coming DJ/Producers. This month features a guest mix by Niko Fantin.

Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Niko Fantin felt a deep attraction to electronic sounds
from an early age. Electronic music and computing became Niko's principal hobbies,
and in 2000 he began producing his own tracks and putting together DJ sets. Up until
2006, Niko spent most of his time learning and researching, and in 2007 with Martin Skubala
he created Mushroom Recordings, the final product of many years of work and dedication.
Since then, Niko has generated a steady output of excellent original tracks and remixes,
represented on labels such as Frisky Records, Balkan Connection and BIT Records Mexico.
With a unique sound and support from world-class DJs such as Hernan Cattaneo, Pole Folder,
Federico Giust and Chloe Harris, Niko's sound continues to evolve as his work rises in stature.

Posted by Avalanche on Dec-16-2010 02:32:

Avalanchè Presents "Elements Radio" Podcast!! Check Out & Keep Up To Date!

Do You Love Trance Music?
Avalanchè Presents "Elements Radio" Podcast. A Blend of Electronica Music To Take You On A Journey Through Sound. Bringing Songs From The Past To The Present, And New To The Future. Join Me (Avalanchè) As I Develop A New Take At Music For All To Enjoy!! Every 2 Weeks A New Episode Is Released For Free!! Subscribe Via Podomatic Or iTunes. (Links Below)
All Episodes Are Mixed By Avalanchè
Make Sure To Check Out The Fresno Electro Movement. A Dedicated Group To Bring More Electronic Music To The Central Valley, California-USA



Facebook Avalanchè:

Facebook F.E.M. :

Posted by NiteMer on Dec-25-2010 16:51:

Old Norsk Sessions EP11 on DI and Trance FM

Episode 11 is this Monday, from 4-6pm EST, at w/ guest Anthony Ross (San Diego, CA)!

My hour from the show will also be on on the dj channel, at 1pm EST on New Year's Day (1-1-11)! Shake off the hangover with some progressive trance tunes w/ Nitemer!

Posted by jzl on Jan-08-2011 23:31:

Crash Override w/ JzL & Alpha Duo on Dance Radio Global

Airs: Monday January 10th, 2011 @ 2PM EST

This week i got a really crazy set featuring some classic tracks and new tracks from partnered labels and friends Also this week we have a great guest mix from Alpha Duo. Their set features a live set from A.K.A and i can tell ya ... its phat!

So tune in this week!

Shout out & Requests:[/email]

Omerta Records

Posted by DjShyTrance on Jan-09-2011 17:05:


the italian Trance Dj&Producer dj Shy is showcasing every week at the best in trance, progressive and hard tech sounds. Waves of Freedom is not just the common boring rush for the latest released tracks to be played/aired.
It's something that goes beyond this common rule: Waves of Freedom describes at the best what are Dj Shy most appreciated tracks of the moment, without caring of their release date.
Real beauty will never die.

If you want to see what does Waves of Freedom show stand for, u just need to tune in every WEEK from 4p.m. GMT/5p.m.CET exclusively at Trance.FM radio! ( )!

Posted by Tim Robert on Jan-12-2011 20:14:

Headlands 020 with Ben Coda - Jan 13/14 on Pure.FM Progressive

"Headlands" Radio Show
With guest mix by Ben Coda
Hosted by Tim Robert on Pure.FM Progressive -
Thursday January 13, 8-10 PM EST, Friday January 14, GMT 01:00 - 03:00

With an emphasis on propulsive rhythms and edgy textures, "Headlands"
showcases the latest in progressive house, and features a guest mix each
month by both established and up-and-coming DJ/Producers.

This month features a guest mix by Ben Coda….Please join Ben and
me for two hours of dynamic progressive house sounds!!

Posted by NiteMer on Jan-24-2011 06:36:

Old Norsk Sessions EP12 on DI and Trance FM

Coming tomorrow, Monday January 24th, from 4-6pm EST at and Saturday February 5th at! Tomorrow's edition features a guest mix from M Dibby Love (Denver, CO) and the latter is just my hour.

Also, last month's show and others are available at

Posted by Alan Banks on Jan-24-2011 15:55:

We return back to the norm this month. All the usual great mixture of house, techno and trance, some interviews features and top3's!

First up giving us our top 3 this month is a trance trio who have scored massive anthems favoured by Mr Paul van Dyk. He loves the guys so much that he's signed every one of their tracks to his Vandit label and has even asked them to remix his brand new song, 'We Come Together'. Ladies and i introduce to you REVERSE.


Our club interview this month is a London promotion thats making moves in and around the city. Retox have already worked with some of the big boys in the industry hosting rooms as The Gallery and Brixton Academy for Above & Beyond. 2011 is the year for them where they will be hosting parties at Gigalum in Clapham and also teaming up with Ibiza Heat for the summer period. We catch up with Retox and find out a bit more about the party...

Don't forget if your a promoter and have a party during the month of February then please get in touch and let us know the details and we can plug the party during the show

Tune into the show broadcasting EXCLUSIVE to on the 3rd February at 6pm

Catch up with previous shows on or as a

Posted by russt on Feb-03-2011 20:34:

160BPM trance and hardcore mix

On now

Posted by EL-Jay on Feb-08-2011 21:35:

Smoking ..umm..something EL-Jay presents .... NEXT COMING SHOWS THIS WEEK

NEXT COMING SHOWS THIS WEEK: (click on the flyer for the INFO!)

Wednesday, february 9th:


Posted by Tim Robert on Feb-09-2011 21:06:

Tim Robert pres. Headlands 021 with Soulmelt - Feb 10/11 on Pure.FM Progressive

"Headlands" Radio Show
With guest mix by Soulmelt
Hosted by Tim Robert on Pure.FM Progressive -
Thursday February 10, 8-10 PM EST, Friday February 11, GMT 01:00 - 03:00

With an emphasis on propulsive rhythms and edgy textures, "Headlands" showcases
the latest in progressive house, and features a guest mix each month by both established
and up-and-coming DJ/Producers.

This month will feature an exclusive showcase mix by Soulmelt….Please join Andrew Dale
and myself for two hours of deep and dynamic progressive house!!

Posted by RadioGAGA on Feb-17-2011 13:31:


Positive Education (RADIO)... 'FEBRUARY EDITION' 2011
Returns after the winter break to continue where we left off in 2010 by bringing the the sounds from the best out there.

So to kick the year off in style, we bring you the return of:

(Saved Records / Bek Audio / SOMA)

With this show we will feature the very hottest tracks in House and Techno from LEAMA, plus our monthly Cool Cuttz Selection and a guest mix for the second part of the show.

This month enjoy the sounds from the new star of Techno:



GARY is really making an impact in the techno scene right now, with tons of singles and remixes hitting the shops every week with
releases on labels such as : EDIT SELECT, BEK AUDIO, SOMA,
Nic Fancuilli's SAVED RECORDS and the legendary SPEEDY J's own ELECTRIC DELUXE, has seen GARY really cause a stir amongst some of the biggest names in house and techno the world over.

Constantly producing and touring across europe and the world, you can find out what GARY'S up too by checking out his myspace:


So tune in this to this FEBRUARY RETURN Edition of
'Positive Education'

Hosted by: LEAMA

Thursday 17st February 2011

on: WWW.DI.FM (Techno Channel)





Posted by Alan Banks on Feb-21-2011 17:54:

> >

We roll out the 11th episode of the show with more great guests and more great music! Exclusive to 1 Mix Radio
> >

> >

This month see's the 'The First Lady of Trance' - Armin Van Buuren, 2009 and 'The UK's Foremost Female Trance Producer' - DJ Mag 2009, join us on the show. Sophie Sugar has been a firm favourite in the trance world since her first hit 'Call of Tomorrow' came out in 2005 and has since released music onto Armin's very successful State of Trance l...abel. Coupled with a busy schedule in the studio Sophie is also very busy on the international DJ circuit, travelling around the world from Vietnam to Argentina, Malta, Germany, Sweden, South Africa, Russia and more. A very busy lady and we are very happy for her to showcase her top 3 tracks on the show.

> >

> >

Our club night showcase comes from a North of England party. Off the Rails (or OTR) has been one of the new breed of northern parties to really shake up the trance scene in Sheffield since the time of Gatecrasher. Already a firm favourite with visiting DJs including Rank1, Aly & Fila, Menno De Jong, John O’Callaghan, Matt Hardwick, Simon Patterson and Agenlli & Nelson the party has been setting a great bench mark since its inception in 2007. Having recently celebrated its 4th birthday we are happy to hear about how the last Birthday celebrations went and also what summer plans they have in store...

> >

Don’t forget if you’re a promoter and have a party during March and would like a mention on the show then please get in touch on and we’ll put a shout out for you....

> >


> >

Posted by NiteMer on Feb-23-2011 04:58:

Old Norsk Sessions EP13 & guest mix for 3 Dek Tek

This Friday Feb 25th, at 1pm EST tune in to for my guest mix on Trevor Nygaard's 3 Dek Tek!

Then, on Monday Feb 28th, tune in from 4-6pm EST at for Old Norsk Sessions EP13 w/ myself and guest mix from Trevor Nygaard (Denver, CO)!
My hour from ONS EP13 will also aire at 1pm EST/7pm CET, Saturday March 5th on the dj channel at

Also, check out last month's ONS and other previous mixes at

Posted by SuiteGurlMusic on Feb-27-2011 04:53:

Sneaker Pimp SOUND INDUSTRY RADIO SHOW PODCAST......Check this out

Dj Brad Machado presents; Sound Industry. A bi-weekly mix of the Industries top house tracks. Hand picked by Brad Machado himself, be sure to listen to "O Maximo em Musica" You can also catch a guest Dj mix to be featured on the Sound Industry Radio show.

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