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Posted by PivotTechno on Feb-11-2009 13:13:

Originally posted by terrytutone
Actually, I believe that his setup explains the image pretty well. Just by looking at his gear you can tell that he is someone with too much money and absolutely no taste. His musical selection is also evidence of that.

Bitter much?

Posted by Rememberence_ on Feb-11-2009 16:37:

Originally posted by PivotTechno
Bitter much?

Word. Get over it.

How does referencing what happened on 911 make a poster offensive anyway? Is the history channel offensive too?

Posted by Ted Promo on Feb-11-2009 18:29:

Posted by Jarvmeister on Feb-11-2009 19:42:

Originally posted by Zild
Nikon AF-S DX Zoom-NIKKOR 18-70mm f/3.5-4.5G IF-ED

Yeah, I thought as much.......

Posted by miamitranceman on Feb-11-2009 23:37:

Originally posted by Rememberence_
Word. Get over it.

How does referencing what happened on 911 make a poster offensive anyway? Is the history channel offensive too?

No matter what, you can't deny it's strange to have it as the centerpiece of a living room.

Posted by Neo95gt on Feb-12-2009 03:33:

Plane in the pic is pretty retarded. That kind of shit would get your ass kicked around these parts.

Posted by Neo95gt on Feb-12-2009 03:47:

Plane in the pic is pretty retarded. That kind of shit would get your ass kicked around these parts.

Posted by DJRecess on Feb-12-2009 17:21:

Moved studio rooms, and had to rebuild my desk. Thought I'd post in here for folks who might be interested in how it's made:

(I'm doing a YouTube video with 'instructions' of sorts too).

Posted by andresi on Feb-12-2009 18:05:

Im sure im not the only one that wonders but, why have both serato and traktor?

Posted by DJRecess on Feb-12-2009 20:11:


Coz I'm a flash bastard with more money than sense...

Lol - on a more serious note, it's because I'm in the middle of writing the second edition of DJing for Dummies - the main reason for the second edition being that I want to put more info in there about digital DJing.

As Traktor and Serato seem to be the market leaders in terms of vinyl control of MP3's, it made sense to get them both. It's not really a comparison thing, more a function thing for what kind of DJ might use them.

FWIW - I really like Serato because it's so basic - just tunes playing and that's about it. But, the four decks and the added effects section on Traktor Scratch Pro leads me to keep that connected most of the time.

(Plus, I find more clubs have a Serato installation already, so all I need to do is rock up with my laptop and vinyl, and I'm off. More and more places have the ability to hot swap in with Traktor though, so I always carry the Audio 8 with me just in case)

Posted by n3lly on Feb-12-2009 20:44:

Originally posted by Laszlo
The original picture is of course without the plane on it. It's the cause of a practical joke from a friend of mine. One who I might add is into a lot of conspiracy theories. He once borrowed my couch and the next morning when I woke up the plane was sitting on the picture. I never bothered to remove it, for no given reason. Some find it amusing, others do not. My apologies to anyone who might find it offensive.

But I won't excuse myself for working hard to make a good living. I'm also truly thankful for all the so called idiots out there who find my shitty taste of music enjoyable, so that I can still have my fair share of gigs every month which allows me to by all this useless stuff so that some of you jack asses can have something to bitch about.

Nicely said..

Recess, love the new booth. Nicely set up as well. Odd that you used the wall brackets for support instead of letting the MDF (i'm presuming) take the weight but obviously you were just after more support.

I know exactly what you mean about Serato being more basic and just working.

The way I look at it TSP and Serato are a bit like Mac and Windows.

Serato is like a mac, for someone who just wants it to play their music and they want to be able to beatmatch with either timecoded cd's or timecoded vinyl they can. Few Cue points, basic looping. Done.

Traktor, which is still plagued with quite a few bugs (can't wait for 1.0.3 upgrade to come along) is like Windows. It takes a little while longer to get everything set up the way you want to but once you've done the hard work and set everything up it can actually run quite smoothly with endless possibilities in regards to effects/looping/synching whatever takes your fancy.

There's a reason why a lot of people (read professionals) haven't completely switched over to Traktor Scratch Pro from Traktor (scratch) 3.0 but after an update or two I think the program should be running a little more stable. Serato in the end of the day has been around for quite some time now.

Anyway, Nice set up Hope your book is doing well..


Posted by Waterproofpaper on Feb-12-2009 22:37:

Update on my setup..

I spin indian style and we have a little pow wow at home with the temporary table.

My dog after his surgery.

Posted by stan229 on Feb-12-2009 23:32:

Originally posted by n3lly
Nicely said..

Recess, love the new booth. Nicely set up as well. Odd that you used the wall brackets for support instead of letting the MDF (i'm presuming) take the weight but obviously you were just after more support.

I know exactly what you mean about Serato being more basic and just working.

The way I look at it TSP and Serato are a bit like Mac and Windows.

Serato is like a mac, for someone who just wants it to play their music and they want to be able to beatmatch with either timecoded cd's or timecoded vinyl they can. Few Cue points, basic looping. Done.

Traktor, which is still plagued with quite a few bugs (can't wait for 1.0.3 upgrade to come along) is like Windows. It takes a little while longer to get everything set up the way you want to but once you've done the hard work and set everything up it can actually run quite smoothly with endless possibilities in regards to effects/looping/synching whatever takes your fancy.

There's a reason why a lot of people (read professionals) haven't completely switched over to Traktor Scratch Pro from Traktor (scratch) 3.0 but after an update or two I think the program should be running a little more stable. Serato in the end of the day has been around for quite some time now.

Anyway, Nice set up Hope your book is doing well..


I wouldn't make that analogy. You can do WAY more things with a Mac than a Windows machine. I'm not sure how familiar you are with both operating systems...

Posted by AnomalyConcept on Feb-13-2009 03:09:

I think he was talking more about the 'takes forever and a half-year to set up' and the amount of effort required to set it tweak it to your liking (Windows) vs. the 'works out of the box in a more intuitive and simple manner' (OS X).

It's great when you can just copy ~ and have all your preferences. =)

If you want to take the analogy further, Serato can do video mixing but you gotta shell out the $$ for the hardware (the TTM57). =D

Posted by epdarks on Feb-13-2009 03:57:

Hey waterproofpaper, what speakers are you running?

92 is sex.

Posted by Waterproofpaper on Feb-13-2009 08:33:

Jbl 2445j is whats connected to the horns
Jbl 4648a-8 Subwoofer

Still gotta get an amp.. dont wanna use these tubes.

Posted by n3lly on Feb-13-2009 16:47:

Originally posted by AnomalyConcept
I think he was talking more about the 'takes forever and a half-year to set up' and the amount of effort required to set it tweak it to your liking (Windows) vs. the 'works out of the box in a more intuitive and simple manner' (OS X).

It's great when you can just copy ~ and have all your preferences. =)

If you want to take the analogy further, Serato can do video mixing but you gotta shell out the $$ for the hardware (the TTM57). =D

Spot on mate.. It was a rough analogy...

I completely see where you're coming from stan229. (and completely agree) End of the day I've got my MBP, love it to bits and am learning new useful and completely useless stuff yet very cool every day. (EG. Ctrl+Option+CMD+8.... gives a nice affect)

Then you've got automator which I find incredible!

Anyway the list goes on but it was just a rough analogy.

Traktor Scratch Pro's 1.0.3 update is past the beta testing phase and into it's final testing so should be with us pretty soon. Should make it a whole lot more stable

Love the setup waterproofpaper, nice soft ear pads on the 25's as well.


Posted by DJ RANN on Feb-13-2009 22:09:

Originally posted by n3lly
(EG. Ctrl+Option+CMD+8.... gives a nice affect)

...Known as the claw and mantis. (go on make the fingers....)

Recess, that set up is great but don't you suffer from the room being small and the speakers being so close to the ceiling?

Also, are those oldschool concentric cone tweeter Tannoys - I got a pair of late 1970's 15 inch Concentric Tannoys at home.

Posted by DJRecess on Feb-14-2009 10:15:

Originally posted by DJ RANN

Recess, that set up is great but don't you suffer from the room being small and the speakers being so close to the ceiling?

Also, are those oldschool concentric cone tweeter Tannoys - I got a pair of late 1970's 15 inch Concentric Tannoys at home.

It's not too bad actually. It's better than the setup I used to have with a pair of stock Phillips speakers that were too low down. I'm right in the sweet spot the way they are pointing anyway. Add to that a second set of basic speakers behind me, and a big sub-woofer on the floor - and the room is a tight as it needs to be.

With all the sound-proofing I did to that space (walls, ceiling, floor all have loft-insulating wool at 50mm, polystyrene boards at 50mm and then gyproc sounbloc boards) there's no loss of sound anywhere in there - even with my tinnitus loaded ears, you can hear everything as clear as day in there.

As for the speakers, not too sure HOW old they are, but I picked up those Tannoy System 8's (NFM II) back in 1990, and they were in use a fair bit before then too I think. They're old enough to drink, sure - but I've never had monitors that sounded better and pack as much of a punch at the same time. They weigh a tonne though! Just hope I screwed the brackets on well enough!

Posted by DJ RANN on Feb-14-2009 21:23:

They're great monitors and you should hang on to them as long as possible. By the way, tannoy offer re-coning of their vintage speakers. It's quite cheap and their factory is actually up in Scotland.

Posted by i got big pants on Feb-16-2009 02:48:

some new additions...ssl, denon dn-s1200, m-audio bx-8a deluxe.

Posted by Waterproofpaper on Feb-16-2009 04:22:

Originally posted by DJ RANN
...Known as the claw and mantis. (go on make the fingers....)

Recess, that set up is great but don't you suffer from the room being small and the speakers being so close to the ceiling?

Also, are those oldschool concentric cone tweeter Tannoys - I got a pair of late 1970's 15 inch Concentric Tannoys at home.

Neg.. made for the JBL tweeters.

Posted by skip on Feb-16-2009 11:11:

Originally posted by i got big pants
some new additions...ssl, denon dn-s1200, m-audio bx-8a deluxe.

trigger finger looks nice. did you paint it yourself?
if so, was it easy?

Posted by i got big pants on Feb-16-2009 14:37:

Originally posted by skip
trigger finger looks nice. did you paint it yourself?
if so, was it easy?

spray painted it clear coat on it or anything. surprisingly, it was extremely easy. just popped the knobs off and the fader caps, unscrewed the bottom and took it apart gently. i think it only took me about 10-15 minutes to take everything apart.

Posted by skip on Feb-16-2009 15:43:

Originally posted by i got big pants
spray painted it clear coat on it or anything. surprisingly, it was extremely easy. just popped the knobs off and the fader caps, unscrewed the bottom and took it apart gently. i think it only took me about 10-15 minutes to take everything apart.

nice. too bad i don't have anything to paint myself.

i'd love my xone:92 to be black, but sure as hell am not gonna paint it black. and i don't think i have space for a trigger finger in my setup (or proper need). but if i did have one, i'd probably paint it dark grey.

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