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Posted by AndrewO'Michael on Mar-20-2008 14:39:

Here is my setup,

2 Pioneer CDJ-800's
1 Pioneer DJM-800
1 Sony MDR-V700 headphones

What do you guys think ?

Posted by DeFroiX on Mar-20-2008 14:55:

Originally posted by AndrewO'Michael
Here is my setup,

2 Pioneer CDJ-800's
1 Pioneer DJM-800
1 Sony MDR-V700 headphones

What do you guys think ?

Are you dj'ing on your knees?

Posted by AndrewO'Michael on Mar-20-2008 15:19:

Originally posted by DeFroiX
Are you dj'ing on your knees?

Hahaha, I'm usually sitting, but yes that is correct.

Posted by tintin11 on Mar-20-2008 15:38:

Originally posted by i got big pants
for those who have that there enough room for a djm700 and two techs?

Just from looking @ that picture, no way can they fit on the same level on that table.

Posted by greenlight_in on Mar-20-2008 19:32:

I have spent my last month going through this thread, brilliant setups!

My basic setup, got it a week back

2x Cdj200s
1x Gemini P626x (Yuk!)
1x Behringer BCD3000
1x Sony MDR 150(2 years old)
1x Sony Vaio

Planning to get
M-Audio Bx8a
M-Audio Fast track USB






Posted by DeFroiX on Mar-20-2008 20:53:

Originally posted by AndrewO'Michael
Hahaha, I'm usually sitting, but yes that is correct.

Nice setup though!

Posted by Search&Rescue on Mar-20-2008 23:03:

Originally posted by greenlight_in
I have spent my last month going through this thread, brilliant setups!

My basic setup, got it a week back

2x Cdj200s
1x Gemini P626x (Yuk!)
1x Behringer BCD3000
1x Sony MDR 150(2 years old)
1x Sony Vaio

Planning to get
M-Audio Bx8a
M-Audio Fast track USB






what is it that your decks and mixer are slanting on?
and what's that blue light from under the table? looks good!!
but you need to do something about your wall art...its far from being centered and straight

Posted by greenlight_in on Mar-21-2008 09:12:

Originally posted by Search&Rescue
what is it that your decks and mixer are slanting on?
and what's that blue light from under the table? looks good!!
but you need to do something about your wall art...its far from being centered and straight

Those would be books, haha.

And thats a blue tube light ive fixed behind the table, got a green aswell.

And as far as my wall art goes, the dint click the picture properly

In process of making a new room, with a new table, speakers, posters etc.

Posted by leph555 on Mar-21-2008 13:47:

i posted some of these pictures before but what the hell...

Posted by Lsv on Mar-23-2008 00:43:

Posted by DJ Z on Mar-23-2008 20:53:

Posted by Dj Gracjan on Mar-31-2008 01:53:

2x Pioneer CDJ-1000MK3
1x Pioneer DJM800
1x Pioneer HDJ-1000

Currently I don't have a good desk or nothing, but I'll be making a custom one soon. will post better pictures in the future.

Posted by Palladium on Mar-31-2008 05:46:

Originally posted by Dj Gracjan

clean your shit bro or hand them over to someone who cares to

Posted by Dj Gracjan on Mar-31-2008 10:48:

Originally posted by Palladium
clean your shit bro or hand them over to someone who cares to

are you fucking kidding me? my decks/mixer are under a blanket all day/night when i'm not using them. some dust got on there because i was using them and i decided to take some pics..calm down lol
sorry my house isn't dust proof.

Posted by david.michael on Mar-31-2008 14:09:

That's a great shot ^

Posted by IntegraR0064 on Mar-31-2008 15:07:

Originally posted by Dj Gracjan
are you fucking kidding me? my decks/mixer are under a blanket all day/night when i'm not using them. some dust got on there because i was using them and i decided to take some pics..calm down lol
sorry my house isn't dust proof.

haha, I have to agree with you...your stuff's really clean. That guy's obviously never:

a) taken a close up shot of anything
b) seen any actual club equipment before, if he thinks that's dirty

Posted by Ipooptoomuch on Mar-31-2008 17:09:

Originally posted by IntegraR0064
Who needs a table. Just sit indian-style and put all the stuff around you in a semi-circle

how are you going to bust a move on a big hit? pfft

Posted by n3lly on Mar-31-2008 18:26:

Originally posted by Ipooptoomuch
how are you going to bust a move on a big hit? pfft

Wave your hands in the air like a lunatic!

I'm currently deciding on how i'm going to mount a detachable table for my laptop to my decks table.

I want a quick release system so if ever want to put my table against a wall i'll be able to.

Here are some pics that were taken on Sat night/Sun Morning..

Even old man Bush was loving the sounds!

Posted by ReclusNdangrmnt on Apr-01-2008 06:16:

2xPioneer CDJ-200s
1xRane TTM-54(Borrowed, I'm looking into getting a Korg KM-202[If you happen to have one and are looking to sell it, do drop me a line, btw ])
1xTechnics DH1200 'phones
1xCat, for lulz

Posted by n3lly on Apr-01-2008 13:26:

Pets and decks are great!

Posted by Dj Gracjan on Apr-01-2008 23:06:

Originally posted by n3lly
Pets and decks are great!

yeah they look great together, but i wouldn't any pets near my equipment. too much dust, hair..etc

Posted by Dj Nacht on Apr-02-2008 02:01:

That desk from staples is really nice for dj set up. Im concidering buying it but im worried the speakers will be above my ears and ill get an off representation of the sound when producing.

Posted by leph555 on Apr-02-2008 02:24:

Originally posted by Dj Nacht
That desk from staples is really nice for dj set up. Im concidering buying it but im worried the speakers will be above my ears and ill get an off representation of the sound when producing.

speakers are at eat level while sitting

Posted by ReclusNdangrmnt on Apr-02-2008 15:06:

Originally posted by Dj Gracjan
yeah they look great together, but i wouldn't any pets near my equipment. too much dust, hair..etc

Very true, which is why I'm trying to shoo her whenever I'm mixing xD

Posted by idoru on Apr-07-2008 08:00:

Two of my three CDJ-800s have had their motor die out (that's the only thing I can figure is wrong) from constant use over a 3+ year period. As a result, this is my temporary setup until I can afford new ones. Don't get me wrong, I love Ableton and certainly see the appeal, I just prefer to spin on actual decks.

- Powerbook
- Radium-49
- EFX-500
- Xone:62

And something random I snapped...

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