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Posted by Drik on Jun-09-2006 07:06:

Originally posted by fr0st
Nice kitlist why the sorry sound card? All that hardware and such poor quallity AD/DA converters

Hmm, are you sure you're thinking about the right one?
1820 has crap AD/DA, but 1820m uses the same ones as in the pro tools system?

EDIT: From the EMU website:
Mastering grade 24-bit/192kHz converters - the same A/D converters used in Digidesign's flagship ProTools HD 192 I/O Interface delivering an amazing 120dB signal-to-noise ratio

Or would I hear a difference with RME Fireface 800?

Posted by fr0st on Jun-09-2006 07:46:

Originally posted by Drik
Hmm, are you sure you're thinking about the right one?
1820 has crap AD/DA, but 1820m uses the same ones as in the pro tools system?

EDIT: From the EMU website:

Or would I hear a difference with RME Fireface 800?

Honestly i dont know i havent heard the Fireface in person nor the 1820m. But i would really be suprized if EMU put the same converters that are found in a 6k system in a 400 dollar box. But i could be wrong and have been on many occasions. I know i had a motu828mk2 and i heard apogee converters and lucid converts on the same syths(jupiter 8/6. xpander) and they sounded much clearer on the apogee and lucid systems. I was also using the same headphones in each case hd650's. Converters in my opinion can make a big difference, well stepping from the cheap sub 1k ones to the 1k+ ones. Maybe there is a local store that will let you rent the piece and try it for yourself.

Posted by Drik on Jun-09-2006 07:51:

Originally posted by fr0st
Honestly i dont know i havent heard the Fireface in person nor the 1820m. But i would really be suprized if EMU put the same converters that are found in a 6k system in a 400 dollar box. But i could be wrong and have been on many occasions. I know i had a motu828mk2 and i heard apogee converters and lucid converts on the same syths(jupiter 8/6. xpander) and they sounded much clearer on the apogee and lucid systems. I was also using the same headphones in each case hd650's. Converters in my opinion can make a big difference, well stepping from the cheap sub 1k ones to the 1k+ ones. Maybe there is a local store that will let you rent the piece and try it for yourself.

Hmm good idea, it would suck If I'd work with sub quality converters that affect the sound if there is better stuff.. I'll head down to musiklagret tomorrow and talk with them.. thanks mate

Posted by dEEkAy on Jun-09-2006 23:23:

Originally posted by fr0st
Honestly i dont know i havent heard the Fireface in person nor the 1820m. But i would really be suprized if EMU put the same converters that are found in a 6k system in a 400 dollar box. But i could be wrong and have been on many occasions.

Well, the reason is simple.
EMU is now a sub-company of Creative, as many of you probably now.
And, as I've heard, hence EMU is able to buy loads and loads of ADDA Converters for therefore special conditions.
That explains why they are so cheap.

Posted by dEEkAy on Jun-09-2006 23:28:

Originally posted by fr0st
Converters in my opinion can make a big difference, well stepping from the cheap sub 1k ones to the 1k+ ones.

Sure there may be a big difference.
I've tested a couple of soundcards and took a 200,000€ Fairlight Setup ( as well as a LynxTWO as reference to sub 1k soundcards.
In most cases you hear a clear difference, in others it's rather small up to unexistable.

Then again, sub 1k Equipment is usually hooked to other sub 1k equipment (refering to monitors, headphones and such) so in the end the converter only plays one role of many.

Posted by fr0st on Jun-10-2006 00:41:

Originally posted by dEEkAy

Then again, sub 1k Equipment is usually hooked to other sub 1k equipment (refering to monitors, headphones and such) so in the end the converter only plays one role of many.

Hes got genelc monitors and some nice synths. No reason he shouldnt have nice converters. But as you said the converter is a small step, but it is the series of small steps that add up to make a very polished sound.

Posted by Diginerd on Jun-10-2006 16:33:

Ok, we're getting a little ot from pics of home studios, but here we go...

The actual AD/DA converter chip in the Emu's & MOTU's is the same as the high end PT interface, so they're not lying.

On the otherhand they're not telling you that their analog circuitry and clocking is to put it bluntly, crap. AD/DA converter chips are pretty cheap, but good clocking and prisine analog design is not.

Now, the digi 192 interface, whilst very good is pretty expensive for what it actually is.

There are people out there who will take a stock motu interface, and graft in some improved electronics and a much better clocking. The difference is like a summer's day to a winter' night. The motu clock as standard has a jitter around 120uS, post mod that's reduced to under 10uS, which is seriously high end territory.

Posted by thecYrus on Jun-10-2006 16:42:

i've switched from the audiophile 2496 to a an RME multiface and the difference is really huge. i didn't expect this.. (monitors are genelec 1030)

Posted by Mr.Mystery on Jun-10-2006 16:56:

So many posts... so few pictures...

Posted by fr0st on Jun-10-2006 17:06:

Posted by DJ-Igloo on Jun-10-2006 17:26:

Heres my current set up. Its still a Work in Progress updateing hardware and software.

Posted by JustinMead on Jun-10-2006 19:03:

Good looking studio!

The studio monitors fit the set up well

Posted by skot_e on Jun-11-2006 02:21:

Originally posted by Diginerd
There are people out there who will take a stock motu interface, and graft in some improved electronics and a much better clocking.

Got any links by chance?

Posted by Diginerd on Jun-11-2006 02:41:

Worth every penny

Posted by fr0st on Jun-11-2006 06:13:

Originally posted by Diginerd

Worth every penny

Im actually saving to upgrade to the apogee ensemble as i use logic on mac, but if i was id be sure to do this to my motu.

Posted by Agenz on Jun-11-2006 15:16:

Here is my humble setup

Click on pics

and chilling out

Posted by Mikk on Jun-11-2006 21:08:

Ok, I know this is way offtopic..sorry But now that I'm going to get Dynaudio BM5A's next week, I want to upgrade my audio interface too. At the moment I have Audiotrak Inca 88, which I think is really crappy.. I was thinking about MOTU 24I/O with 424 PCI card (I need LOTS of inputs) but reading your posts made me concerned about MOTU's quality. I want something that has really good and professional audio quality, but can't afford Apogee converters. Should I go with RME instead of MOTU? Is there any difference? This mod for MOTU seems interesting but I'd like something that is good enough off the shelf.

Posted by Akazi on Jun-11-2006 21:48:

MOTU is very good!

Posted by Derivative on Jun-11-2006 22:14:

This thread never fucking ceases to depress me.

Been working 45 hours a week for 7 months in Ireland and between rent, bills, student loan repayments and money I owed my mum + the barebone budget PC I bought to replace my aging 1.6ghz crock - I can only just afford my pair of Event TR-6s. And still hasnt got back to me about a shipping quote on that count so I'm still using cheap ass headphones. BAH.

Anyway, its about time I joined the rest of you G.A.S. afflicted whore monkeys. Next quarter, I'm saving for my next target - Future Retro Revolution. Ooooooh the thought of owning an analogue teebee is making me giddy

Posted by fr0st on Jun-11-2006 22:36:

Originally posted by Mikk
Ok, I know this is way offtopic..sorry But now that I'm going to get Dynaudio BM5A's next week, I want to upgrade my audio interface too. At the moment I have Audiotrak Inca 88, which I think is really crappy.. I was thinking about MOTU 24I/O with 424 PCI card (I need LOTS of inputs) but reading your posts made me concerned about MOTU's quality. I want something that has really good and professional audio quality, but can't afford Apogee converters. Should I go with RME instead of MOTU? Is there any difference? This mod for MOTU seems interesting but I'd like something that is good enough off the shelf.

As i think i stated i actually havent heard the fireface in person soo i cant speak for myself, but from what ive read its supposed to be a bit better, but maybe not leaps and bounds.

Posted by Mr.Mystery on Jun-11-2006 22:57:

Originally posted by Derivative
student loan repayments

Just goes to show how useless studying really is

Posted by Diginerd on Jun-12-2006 13:33:

The MOTUs are perfectly fine. Just don't listen next to an apogee (that much more expensive). The mod takes them into serious pro (As opposed to Semi-Pro) territory.

Bang for buck the 24/i/o is hard to beat. Great interface.

Posted by Mikk on Jun-12-2006 15:24:

Ok thanks for the answers

I think I'll be happy with the 24I/O. I can then later get the mod too if I feel need for it.

Posted by Agenz on Jun-12-2006 20:15:

Originally posted by Mr.Mystery
Just goes to show how useless studying really is


Posted by aquila on Jun-12-2006 22:21:

Originally posted by Agenz
Here is my humble setup

Click on pics

I'm curious why you filled the ports on your monitors there...

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