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Posted by TranceLover007 on Jan-02-2018 23:25:

Originally posted by MSZ
Everything thats posted here is pretty good these days, I dont have much to say or complain about.

Although im not sure if I should keep going with this one, I've been pickin at it a bit but im not sure if its any good, content or mix wise.

Nice to see you going back to your roots Mac, there is definitely something there to work with - nice unwinding melodic story and with catchy vibe in it - work on this production man !!!


Posted by MSZ on Jan-02-2018 23:39:

I dunno the bass sucks making the rest of the track crap.

Posted by TranceLover007 on Jan-02-2018 23:41:

Originally posted by MSZ
I dunno the bass sucks making the rest of the track crap.

Man, that was quick - I hope that you will on this track


Posted by evo8 on Jan-03-2018 16:06:

Originally posted by TranceLover007
Man, that was quick - I hope that you will on this track


missed it again, gotta be in quick to hear MSZ!

Posted by evo8 on Jan-03-2018 16:32:

Originally posted by TranceLover007
Since I have a little trouble to connect with a guy who suppose to record new vocal to my latest track I decide to go instrumental way with it lol - so here is it (not finish yet and drums require some more variations):


being honest Darek i think the progression could be stronger, its ok, there is a lot going on in the track as well, i would suggest a stronger progression and to simplify, my 2c.........

Posted by TranceLover007 on Jan-03-2018 18:59:

Originally posted by evo8
being honest Darek i think the progression could be stronger, its ok, there is a lot going on in the track as well, i would suggest a stronger progression and to simplify, my 2c.........

Tahnks man, let see if this version will work for you

This is just because my vocal version didn't work so I'm looking for alternative lol


Posted by evo8 on Jan-04-2018 12:51:

Originally posted by TranceLover007
Tahnks man, let see if this version will work for you

This is just because my vocal version didn't work so I'm looking for alternative lol


yes i like that better, gotta tame that snare though i think!

Posted by DJ RANN on Jan-05-2018 20:13:

Originally posted by evo8
missed it again, gotta be in quick to hear MSZ!

Damn, you're not lying. Couple of hours and it's gone.

Posted by DJ RANN on Jan-05-2018 20:20:

Originally posted by evo8
yes i like that better, gotta tame that snare though i think!

Nice track Darek! But gotta agree with Evo, that snare needs pulling back, maybe a bit of group compression. I get the Pryda reference but it's just sitting a little to much on top. Great track though, would love to hear the final version.

Posted by TranceLover007 on Jan-05-2018 21:30:

Originally posted by DJ RANN
Nice track Darek! But gotta agree with Evo, that snare needs pulling back, maybe a bit of group compression. I get the Pryda reference but it's just sitting a little to much on top. Great track though, would love to hear the final version.

Evo8 and DJ RANN - Yeah guys I can hear you, some things will definitely get adjusted after I bring everything together but still thinking and actively working on adding (this time) female vocal to this track, I know great local one (in Seattle) and will see if she is interested in participating in this project.

Appreciate guys


Posted by Woony on Jan-07-2018 10:41:

New track, some people told me it sounds like Orbital, never really been big into them though, sounds way more like early 2000s progbreaks to me

Posted by Richard Butler on Jan-08-2018 20:07:

Originally posted by TranceLover007
Tahnks man, let see if this version will work for you

This is just because my vocal version didn't work so I'm looking for alternative lol


I like this fashwave influence

It sounds best when it starts to fade out - the mix right there sounds better! If you could capture that blend but obviously at normal volume. Would be quite hard to do I suspect.

Posted by Richard Butler on Jan-08-2018 20:08:

Originally posted by Woony
New track, some people told me it sounds like Orbital, never really been big into them though, sounds way more like early 2000s progbreaks to me

I listened to this prior to Dareks and I like apart from the drums Im afraid. Dunno what to suggest but they are quite distracting from the nice synth work

Posted by Richard Butler on Jan-08-2018 20:09:

Is this finished yet FFS!
Let me guess, kik n bass aren't right lol
I still cant post embedded SC links for some reason
Maybe my paid for status has ended? Too busy for shit.

Posted by TranceLover007 on Jan-08-2018 20:37:

Originally posted by Richard Butler
Is this finished yet FFS!
Let me guess, kik n bass aren't right lol
I still cant post embedded SC links for some reason
Maybe my paid for status has ended? Too busy for shit.

This is quite nice work Richard - as for me you still have some nice sublime melodic theme going on and together with those interesting and well selected FX it's creating pretty sweet listening experience -> balance and levels seems to be in right place (at this stage).

Thank you for your comment on my track man, appreciate


Posted by AlphaStarred on Jan-08-2018 23:07:

First track in over 18 months, wanted to do something electro-ish. Hoping the levels are OK, because I literally spent hours trying to make a decent recording:

Posted by theterran on Jan-11-2018 19:23:

Originally posted by AlphaStarred
First track in over 18 months, wanted to do something electro-ish. Hoping the levels are OK, because I literally spent hours trying to make a decent recording:

I liked this. Seems very nostalgic to me...Kinda reminded me of the ost from tetrisphere for some reason. (That ost is very underrated)

Mid-range on the pad to me comes across as a little harsh. @2:46 is an example of where it's the harshest where it's clashing with the 303.

Over all I liked the groove of this tho. *thumbs up*

Posted by AlphaStarred on Jan-11-2018 20:58:

Originally posted by theterran
I liked this. Seems very nostalgic to me...Kinda reminded me of the ost from tetrisphere for some reason. (That ost is very underrated)

Mid-range on the pad to me comes across as a little harsh. @2:46 is an example of where it's the harshest where it's clashing with the 303.

Over all I liked the groove of this tho. *thumbs up*

Thanks dude, appreciate the feedback. I also noticed the pads sound a bit harsh at around the time you mentioned, but otherwise not so much, I hope, particularly in the 2nd segment.

Posted by theterran on Jan-11-2018 21:14:

Originally posted by AlphaStarred
Thanks dude, appreciate the feedback. I also noticed the pads sound a bit harsh at around the time you mentioned, but otherwise not so much, I hope, particularly in the 2nd segment.

Np man.

2nd part seems copacetic until around 6:10'ish mark.

If you do decide to try and smooth it out, I would try not to change the overall pad sound too much though, it fits very well imo. Pad is also levelled perfectly, which is why I'd opt for EQ over Gain to fix it.

Posted by AlphaStarred on Jan-11-2018 21:38:

Originally posted by theterran
If you do decide to try and smooth it out, I would try not to change the overall pad sound too much though, it fits very well imo. Pad is also levelled perfectly, which is why I'd opt for EQ over Gain to fix it.

Sounds good, thanks for the suggestion. I may leave it as is, because it took me hours just to try and get a decent recording, and I've already changed the levels on my hardware anyway. I'm really hoping mastering can smooth it out, if possible, but if not, I'll have to decide if I want to go back and try and re-record again.

Posted by SystematicX1 on Jan-12-2018 10:39:

Originally posted by AlphaStarred
First track in over 18 months, wanted to do something electro-ish. Hoping the levels are OK, because I literally spent hours trying to make a decent recording:

Ha! Just heard this...very progressive and a serious kraftwerkish old school style. Totally dig this.
Very good use of atmosphere and filter cuts. Great work, brought me back!


Welp, to my surprise a friend got me the synthmaster 1&2 bundle for Christmas. So, I started farting around with some presets and even got some sound design presets going. Really liking this vst so far and the ease of use. Wide tones on their notch filters and some serious low end bass tones.

Posted by Richard Butler on Jan-12-2018 12:25:

Originally posted by AlphaStarred
First track in over 18 months, wanted to do something electro-ish. Hoping the levels are OK, because I literally spent hours trying to make a decent recording:

Lovely flavour here mate, just chugs along with a great groove and you've been brave to keep that 303 line very dry but it works.

Mixwise almost there, just sound a weeny bit squashed when the kik hits

Posted by Richard Butler on Jan-12-2018 12:36:

Originally posted by SystematicX1

Welp, to my surprise a friend got me the synthmaster 1&2 bundle for Christmas. So, I started farting around with some presets and even got some sound design presets going. Really liking this vst so far and the ease of use. Wide tones on their notch filters and some serious low end bass tones.

I must look into this synth, never heard of it until now, that bass sounds so rich n harmonic.
Mate a great track, really, but it goes shitty at about 2.20 when that off-time 'clumsy' sounding shit begins, lol. Strip that out.

Posted by theterran on Jan-12-2018 17:30:

Originally posted by AlphaStarred
Sounds good, thanks for the suggestion. I may leave it as is, because it took me hours just to try and get a decent recording, and I've already changed the levels on my hardware anyway. I'm really hoping mastering can smooth it out, if possible, but if not, I'll have to decide if I want to go back and try and re-record again.

So each instrument wasn't recorded to it's own track? hmm. Should be able to deal with it in post though, yeah.

Posted by AlphaStarred on Jan-12-2018 19:00:

Originally posted by SystematicX1
Ha! Just heard this...very progressive and a serious kraftwerkish old school style. Totally dig this.
Very good use of atmosphere and filter cuts. Great work, brought me back!

Thanks, appreciate the feedback!


Agree with Richard, it sounds nice up to around 2:24, where it starts to sound off.

Originally posted by Richard Butler
Lovely flavour here mate, just chugs along with a great groove and you've been brave to keep that 303 line very dry but it works.

Mixwise almost there, just sound a weeny bit squashed when the kik hits

Thanks for listening and feedback mate. Yeah, I'm hoping if the kick is a bit too loud, it can be fixed via mastering. I played it back and decreased the low frequency on my mixer and I think it sounded somewhat better.

Originally posted by theterran
So each instrument wasn't recorded to it's own track? hmm. Should be able to deal with it in post though, yeah.

Yeah, unfortunately I've never multitracked - I've done all my recordings with hardware, 'out of the box' directly into my digital 4-track recorder. In retrospect, it probably would've been nice to have learned to use some software for multitracking, but yeah...

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