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-- Complaint Department (Take a Number)
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Posted by Storyteller on May-23-2011 11:50:

And trolling as usual.

Originally posted by NYWest27th4life
Production Studio > Complaint Department (Take a Number)

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Supreme tracneaddict

Registered: Feb 2005
Location: In TA reading ur submizzions

Existo again.

Yes it is existo again and I am going to reply to you here to show everybody what type of coward you really are. I see you have a hair up your butt regarding me posting here. I suggest you remove it or find another nit to pick on. Kind regards. Existo.

[Sigh. Another alt added to the ever-expanding list of Existo bans. -DG]

Posted by Storyteller on Jun-10-2011 14:17:

2 Things:
This might be a handy sticky. I applied some HTML formatting to the list to make it more comprehensive and bumped into a security issue...

[You're not the first to figure this out; we're running ancient-ass forum software that's riddled with security issues. This is why I block all scripts from TA. Swamper's the only one who can fix it; in the meantime, please don't post it publicly and make it worse than it already is. -DG]

Posted by Storyteller on Jun-28-2011 17:22:

Annoying PM spam


Santiago72 wrote on Today 18:22:
Hello! I'm a professional musician, keyboardist and composer. Perhaps you need great melodies or hook lines in your trance tracks. If so I can help you in your career. Please listen to some mp3 examples (copy and paste in your browser):






Contact me for more information at:

Best wishes.

[I'm not sure if there's a whole lot I can do about this (annoying as it may be). I can only moderate the content in this specific sub-forum and can't suspend users without at least one post, nor can I personally verify the authenticity of a PM. I'd recommend contacting one of the admins (Swamper or chinamon) about it if it keeps happening. -DG]

Posted by EddieZilker on Aug-07-2011 00:44:

Originally posted by OOPS!

Getting really sick of this guy starting new threads that don't amount to much, but here he is violating forum rules by asking for an a capella.

[Thread deleted. Let me know ASAP of any further requests/sharing of copyrighted material. -DG]

Posted by Zak McKracken on Aug-19-2011 19:06:

some loser spamming:

[Burninated. -DG]

Posted by orTofønChiLd on Sep-03-2011 06:59:

Existo is on the move again

Spam thread

[Not anymore. -DG]

Posted by EddieZilker on Sep-04-2011 18:39:

OO OO OO OOPS! He did it again...

[Thread deleted. Let me know ASAP of any further requests/sharing of copyrighted material. -DG]

OOPS requesting copyrighted material, here:

Posted by orTofønChiLd on Oct-22-2011 04:49:

Robby Rox baiting me for the 2nd time


[You've got some serious chutzpah claiming victim status here, looking at your previous contributions in that thread. I'm sure that they would all leave you alone if you stopped trying to get the last word in after every single reply. -DG]

Posted by Andy28 on Nov-17-2011 12:37:

Warez posted

[I got rid of it. -DG]

Posted by Andy28 on Nov-20-2011 20:54:

And again

[Removed. -DG]

Posted by EddieZilker on Jan-03-2012 23:45:

Dweeb debate.

[Closed. No surprise as to the author of that turd pile, either... -DG]

Posted by orTofønChiLd on Jan-28-2012 03:20:

Mr mystery Perc Tutorial is down

[Not really much I can do about that... maybe PM him? -DG]

Posted by EddieZilker on Feb-02-2012 01:50:

Honestly, I think this person is trolling. He's been mucking up the COR with pointless threads, as well.

[Aside from that one thread, he doesn't seem to have caused that much trouble in here, that's all localized to the CoR. I'll keep an eye on it though. Feel free to follow up if it becomes more of a problem. -DG]

Posted by Zak McKracken on Mar-29-2012 12:40:


[Removed. -DG]

Posted by EddieZilker on Mar-30-2012 00:36:

Yet another DJRYANtm thread asking for feedback, where it doesn't belong.

[Sigh. -DG]

Posted by EddieZilker on Apr-22-2012 17:24:

Spammed in multiple forums. Too many words. Remedial English. How's it going?

[Banished. -DG]

Posted by EddieZilker on May-01-2012 00:23:

Cross-posting, promotional spam:

[Can't do anything about the other forums, but I got rid of the pile-on thread and locked the other one. -DG]

Posted by EddieZilker on May-05-2012 17:50:

Alter-Ego strikes, again!

[Le sigh. Some people never learn. -DG]

Posted by EddieZilker on Jun-01-2012 00:14:

OOPS! is back and at it, again.

Posted by Storyteller on Jul-08-2012 07:57:

Just out of curiousity. Wouldn't it be setting a better example if relevant but non-useful topics get closed instead of deleted? Just to set an example. They would just sink down the list, be gone, yet still visible for those that might care at some point. Or do you deem such a thing undesirable or too much work justifying you actions?

[Yes, unless it's devolved into a massive flame war and is just creating an eyesore. Plus, one thing I hate about vB is that it doesn't give prominence to the fact that a thread is closed, it's just a tiny little "lock" icon. Some (newer) systems display them differently and/or put the word "CLOSED" in the title and/or display a prominent notice in the first post if you open the thread.

It's always kind of a game time decision for me, I'm not specifically biased toward locking or deleting. If you feel strongly that a particular thread should be one or the other, feel free to mention this in your post here. -DG]

Posted by itsamemario on Jul-08-2012 09:12:

Originally posted by Storyteller
Just out of curiousity. Wouldn't it be setting a better example if relevant but non-useful topics get closed instead of deleted? Just to set an example. They would just sink down the list, be gone, yet still visible for those that might care at some point. Or do you deem such a thing undesirable or too much work justifying you actions?

I totally agree. Lock the thread and post a copy paste 'youve violated TOS find out why HERE'.
Duplicate posts are not the problem.

[As a rule, we're not talking about TOS violations, as those would be grounds for immediate suspension. We're talking about people going against our own looser version of the "rules".

In any case, I moderate two other sites and we've been down this path many times. Closing/locking a thread might help the OP specifically, if it's communicated clearly why the thread was closed, and the OP is able to ask for clarifications, which the forum doesn't provide much of a vehicle for.

In any event, it's been proven in practice that leaving threads closed instead of deleted as an "example" to the community is a net negative, because stupid trolls won't care, smart trolls will look for loopholes or harp on inconsistencies with other similar threads that weren't closed, and clueless newbs won't notice that it was closed or understand why. Generally speaking, if you've got broken windows, you should either repair them or take them out of view. -DG]

Posted by EddieZilker on Aug-12-2012 23:11:

Pointless thread?


Originally posted by clay
discussing daws should be ok imo. theres plenty of other worse threads.

I'm not sure, myself; hence the question mark. Most DAW's are going to have exponential advantages over GB and the topic is just rehashing those advantages while rhetorically positioning Logic as a preferred DAW over the others that also operate on Macs. I realize that everyone has to start somewhere but it seems like a very silly question with no real benefit.

[I'm not sure if the problem is the thread topic itself, so much as the idiotic responses being posted. Don't know why people can't just answer the friggin' question. But, seeing as how it's nearly two weeks old with not a single useful post, I'm just going to close it. -DG]

Posted by itsamemario on Aug-14-2012 07:57:

In the wrong forum+++

[Moved. -DG]

Posted by EddieZilker on Aug-27-2012 23:41:

DAW vs. DAW:

[Closed. -DG]

Posted by Zak McKracken on Aug-29-2012 19:54:

Originally posted by EddieZilker
DAW vs. DAW:

[Closed. -DG]

now that Logic is only 200USD in app store i think its worth discussing daws comparing to each other. [...] Unfortunatley it always ends ups as a mac/pc discussion.

[How does pricing make any difference at all as far as objectivity or outcomes are concerned? It's the exact same discussion whether something is priced at $200 or $2000.

Oh, and I redacted your post. Don't you dare try to bring that conversation in here. This thread has exactly one purpose, and it's not to talk about DAWs. -DG]

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