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Posted by Raphie on Nov-06-2013 12:43:

yes, it's near flat now, but going to tweak a bit more:
i just ordered 4 GIK tritraps with scatterplates to fill the corners full height you see behind the speakers
(1.94m left and 2.32m right)

and 4 Auralex LENR METRO traps to fill the corner above the speakers

I'm also doubting on ordering 2 Primacoustics recoil stabilizers (i've used mopads before and didn't like it)

but to summarize whats in the room then right now in total:

10cm thick FLOATING FLOOR filled with rockwool on 30cm concrete slab
3x superchunk each 60cm*60cm*100cm
3x GIK 240 panels on ceiling
2x GIK Monster trap
6x Auralex Studiofoam panels (120 * 60)
4x GIK diffusors (60 * 60)

so now going to be added
4x GIK TriTrap with scatterplates
4x Auralex LENR METRO corner traps
(maybe)2 Primacoustics recoil stabilizers

The room is full then, I mean REALLY full.

Posted by chris marsh on Nov-06-2013 12:45:


Were hopefully moving soon, and ive got my eye on the garage and am hoping to convert to a studio. Im this case i think the room would be big enough to hopefully control the low end, where i am now its just a bit too small

Posted by evo8 on Nov-06-2013 13:09:

Originally posted by Raphie
yes, it's near flat now, but going to tweak a bit more:
i just ordered 4 GIK tritraps with scatterplates to fill the corners full height you see behind the speakers
(1.94m left and 2.32m right)

and 4 Auralex LENR METRO traps to fill the corner above the speakers

I'm also doubting on ordering 2 Primacoustics recoil stabilizers (i've used mopads before and didn't like it)

but to summarize whats in the room then right now in total:

10cm thick FLOATING FLOOR filled with rockwool on 30cm concrete slab
3x superchunk each 60cm*60cm*100cm
3x GIK 240 panels on ceiling
2x GIK Monster trap
6x Auralex Studiofoam panels (120 * 60)
4x GIK diffusors (60 * 60)

so now going to be added
4x GIK TriTrap with scatterplates
4x Auralex LENR METRO corner traps
(maybe)2 Primacoustics recoil stabilizers

The room is full then, I mean REALLY full.

wow i stand corrected, couldnt see a quarter of that stuff in there, didnt see anything on the reflection points so i assume thats where your new traps will be going

Posted by Raphie on Nov-06-2013 13:48:

Yep most stuff you don't see is on ceiling and 1st and 2nd reflection points which you don't see on the pics
The new stuff is goung to be in sight in the corners behind the speakers

Posted by cryophonik on Nov-06-2013 18:04:

Originally posted by Raphie

Is that a P12? How ya liking it? I've been lusting for one since it was first announced, but I want a desktop/rack module and the prototype that DSI has shown off is pretty underwhelming.

Posted by Raphie on Nov-06-2013 18:13:

Yep it's the P12, it's like a P08 on steroids, can sound like the P08, but also like a bigdaddy analog reincarnation of the Nord, from lush brassy to cold metalic just love it.

Posted by Raphie on Nov-13-2013 19:17:

As promissed an acoustics update:

Primacoustics recoil stabilizers under K&H's
4x GIK cornertrap with scatterplates (left 1.94m high, right 2.32m high)
2x GIK Monstertrap (standing ones)
3x GIK 244 bass traps (ceiling and rear wall)
4x GIK Diffusors (rear and right)
6x Auralex wedge panel full size
4x Auralex LENRD Basstraps (above monitors)
3x Superchunk (onder desk 1.2m * 60 * 60 cm rockwool)
floating floor double profi OSB underlayment supported every 60cm filled with rockwool (total 10cm high construction

Posted by DJ RANN on Nov-13-2013 19:57:

Nice work JJ! What do you feel the recoil stabilizers in terms of performance upgrade?

The only thing that is a shame is that you don't have a completely unobstructed pathway for your floor monitors to listening position.

And hang on, is that an apple keyboard you're using with a PC? You've started down that slippery slope....only a matter of time now

Posted by Raphie on Nov-13-2013 20:09:

The recoils are magic, didn't think they would be such an upgrade, had auralex mopads before and actually made things worse,but these........ . From ear to ear, better imaging and extended bass response, especially those 808 kicks from the miami resonate on a lot longer. The GIK cornertraps really help too, the botttom units are 1.2m high each the TAD speakers are 1.22 each. The picture skews the perspective a bit IRL they are not so much backward as it seems on the pic, only the bottom woofer flanks the desk just a bit
But the tweeter mid tone and top woofer are free in line of sight
Tomorrow the last diffusors come then I can go back to work finally after nearly a month.
Nothing is that bad as not being able to 100% trust your room/ears

Posted by Juan Paulino on Nov-13-2013 21:28:

My stabilizers did their job, time moves on.

Posted by david.michael on Nov-19-2013 00:59:

Jealousy insues.

Posted by DJ RANN on Nov-19-2013 19:08:


Posted by Raphie on Nov-20-2013 14:45:

My diffusors arrived last week. Now waiting on the last 2 pieces: a studio connections 96 points bantam patchpanel + a whole bunch of Mogami TT chords and a TASCAM DA-3000 DSD recorder.

This week I also recieved my Kurzweil micropiano, a near 20 year old gem. for classic house piano's and now we're done!

Posted by tehlord on Nov-20-2013 16:33:

You still diggin' those 0300's?

I'm amazed you haven't upgraded to the 310's already

Posted by tehlord on Nov-20-2013 16:34:

Finally got one back.

I went for the Snow because a) I'm still in the middle of a legal battle and strapped for cash and b) I'd only ever use 3-4 parts of a desktop anyway!

Posted by cryophonik on Nov-20-2013 18:06:

Originally posted by tehlord
Finally got one back.

I went for the Snow because a) I'm still in the middle of a legal battle and strapped for cash and b) I'd only ever use 3-4 parts of a desktop anyway!

ETA on a BluffMonkey Virus bank?

Posted by tehlord on Nov-20-2013 19:24:

Originally posted by cryophonik
ETA on a BluffMonkey Virus bank?

Haha I'm not sure if that market hasn't been rinsed already.

Still, I'm enjoying making teh tarnceh on it though.

There is no substitute, really.

Posted by DJ RANN on Nov-20-2013 20:03:

Originally posted by Raphie
My diffusors arrived last week. Now waiting on the last 2 pieces: a studio connections 96 points bantam patchpanel + a whole bunch of Mogami TT chords and a TASCAM DA-3000 DSD recorder.

This week I also recieved my Kurzweil micropiano, a near 20 year old gem. for classic house piano's and now we're done!

I need a patch bay myself - did you go neutrik, Rean or Mosses and Mitchel? Did you go wired or flexipatch?

If I could give you some advice; don't go with mogami - they're really not that good. You're in Holland and should be able to find a Van Damme Cable supplier there, and if not, you can just buy direct from London. You'll find with patch bays (where things are plugged in and out a lot) they need to be pretty tough and well made and Mogami don't come close to VD cables (much better cable, hand made exactly to your spec and come in any colour which is useful for patch chords). IN fact you may to spec you're entire studio with Van Damme (there's a reason, Abbey Road, Air Studios, SARM etc etc only use Van Damme).

Posted by Looney4Clooney on Nov-22-2013 14:23:

gots to have gold plating, we aren't really going to go there are we ?

i mean he isn't running it across a football field and at this level a cable is a cable is a cable. I would say mogami is probably more money than one would need except that they come with a guarantee.

X oatch is the only way to go. Although i prefer just having a lot of ins and outs in an interface I still use 3 UCX for doing that. I tried a patch bay but i just liked the freedom the rme total mix thingy gives ya

Posted by DJ RANN on Nov-22-2013 17:58:

Damn straight I'm going there with the gold plating; it's not about signal transmission or gold as a conductor - it's about oxidation and durability. Plug something in and out a couple of thousand times over several years and you'll see what I mean. I've got both TRS and RCA cables from the early 2000's that I have no intention of replacing anytime soon yet I've had to replace or repair all the others that weren't high quality/didn't have gold plated connectors. I will add that because I live basically at sea level and less than 10 miles from the sea, I experience more oxidation/corrosion than probably most people, but still.

The cost difference between the Neutrik standard TRS and the Gold Plated one? $2.

And don't forget, when something starts to oxidise, the metal on the surface degrades and starts to break off. Now plug that in to your patch bay. Yep, how to fuck a patch bay in just a few short years, and there's nothing worse than a patchbay with dodgy connections.

Also, with a studio like his, he'd want the best cables possible and when Van Damme are the same price as Mogami it's a no brainer. I have a reel of mogami mic cable and it's actually pretty crap stuff. They're still using string (yes cotton) liners to give the cable flexibility, the conductors are tiny and both the shielding and insulators are really cheap.

And no, cable isn't just cable. If we were talking speaker cable you might have an argument, but line/instrument/mic cable? You know better

Posted by Looney4Clooney on Nov-22-2013 23:23:

raphie aint rigging a USO show in falluja.

and yes, wire is wire is wire. Line, mic and what ever the hell else you want. Electricity goes places. IF you can do that, job done. You can go on about impedance and balanced and that is besides the point that the wire is wire is wire. There is a standard, and once you reach it, you subribe to those magazines. UNLESS , you are as you said , using them like a philipeeno fun boy who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Even interference is i mean are you people doing lines off coils and making a magnetic field. The only person that i would exempt would ve the lord because of his personality. And system J because of his iron heart .

Posted by DJ RANN on Nov-23-2013 00:06:

Originally posted by Looney4Clooney
raphie aint rigging a USO show in falluja.

and yes, wire is wire is wire. Line, mic and what ever the hell else you want. Electricity goes places. IF you can do that, job done. You can go on about impedance and balanced and that is besides the point that the wire is wire is wire. There is a standard, and once you reach it, you subribe to those magazines. UNLESS , you are as you said , using them like a philipeeno fun boy who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Even interference is i mean are you people doing lines off coils and making a magnetic field. The only person that i would exempt would ve the lord because of his personality. And system J because of his iron heart .

I wish your composition skills stretched to writing. Next time, could you please film an interpretive dance for me to ponder as it will be most likely easier to understand.

I think you're saying unless you're hotplugging like Gary Glitter at a Cambodian kindergarten, then you don't need to worry about your cables?

I certainly don't subscribe to the silver core cable or audiophile RCA bullshit, but not all cables are equal, and when the best cost the same price as the shit ones you buy from that black shirted numbnut (colloquially known as a guitar center employee) you'd be a fool not to.

I recently had a cable engineer over to fix my modem (of course, answered the door in a bathrobe, that happened to swing open at the opportune moment to see if he was so inclined) and while he was laying some cable(sic) I borrowed his cable tester computer.

Shit was crazy. It can detect breaks in unterminated cable, you can do an ingress test which can tell about shorts or even partial transference from poor quality insulator material and I gave it a go on a few of may cables. I have tow lengths of RG6 running about 60ft, one no nam brand and the other was a high spec one and the difference in terms of stats was day and night. Basically, with any cable that is meant to be matched impendance (think AES, MADI, SPDIF etc) you probably get less than two years of good performance from a cheap cable. The insulators degrade and break down meaning the impedance is compromised. The difference in resistance between my Van Damme Starquad Balanced with Gold Neutriks vs my Mogami with Switchraft TRS was significant.

While Raphie isn't entertaining the troops anytime soon (when apart from those lonely Sailors) K&H monitors, with a pristine soundcard and pretty full on room treatment does qualify for giving a shit about the copper content in your cables.

The price of copper has more than doubled in the last 10 years so the amount and quality has really suffered at the low end of things. Also, metals don't conduct the same way depending on how they are worked. In copper, conductivity is actually done by the crystalline structure of it's molecules. In high end audio applications, they dye (pull the copper through a mold) in only one direction and over several cycles, this makes the crystals all align and has been proven increase conductivity in crucial applications.

Now if you were saying for speaker levels applications, or certain digital data formats then fine, but analogue audio, with fucking powercables all over the place and a dirty mix of consumer, prosumer and pro equipment? Just pony up, drop the Hosa's and do your $5k monitoring setup some justice.

Making slap bass porn scores on your hifi speakers? not so much.

Posted by Looney4Clooney on Nov-23-2013 00:26:

this is about a bedroom. and wiring that bedroom for production. I don't wear a fucking g suite to stop my blood from going to my head incase an elevator goes too fast.

I have many videos\. The hardest problem is finding a good background video to drop me in. Plus this is all new to me =, i'm colour blind pretty much and had cataract surgery leave me well, i can't focus. I will say just having all this stuff has made my social life sexier.

to be honest, this is is all short term decision stuff. I'm more about the big picture. big decisions. Cue big talk

Posted by DJ RANN on Nov-23-2013 01:29:

Originally posted by Looney4Clooney
this is about a bedroom. and wiring that bedroom for production. I don't wear a fucking g suite to stop my blood from going to my head incase an elevator goes too fast.

No, but you also don't save up a hundred grand to buy that Ferrari and then put diesel in it, do you?

Raphie arguably has one of the best setups on TA. If anyone has the kit to warrant being concerned with cables, it's him.

Originally posted by Looney4Clooney
I have many videos\. The hardest problem is finding a good background video to drop me in. Plus this is all new to me =, i'm colour blind pretty much and had cataract surgery leave me well, i can't focus. I will say just having all this stuff has made my social life sexier.

What the fuck is going on with the health issues recently? I thought you Canadians were meant to be the healthy outdoors types. And you have free healthcare just like your commonwealth bretherin (although arguably better Dentists). Can't you just greenscreen it and superimpose yourself in a video of eagles mating?

Posted by cryophonik on Nov-23-2013 02:47:

This is my Tetra, bitches. My studio wins.

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