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Posted by Evolve140 on Mar-02-2015 19:47:

hi guys

does this suck?

what about this guys? does this suck too? lol

seriously i love all you guys. just trying to PUSH IT HARD.

Posted by Storyteller on Mar-03-2015 09:19:

Originally posted by Evolve140
hi guys

does this suck?

what about this guys? does this suck too? lol

Focus on the levels, they are all over the place. Mix-wise (as in seperation of instruments) you're doing just fine. Musically I have no real feedback.


Now this one I like! You're setting a great and very minimal mood but keep it interesting throughout. Well done. Contact me if you like .

Posted by TranceLover007 on Mar-03-2015 19:39:

Originally posted by Evolve140
what about this guys? does this suck too? lol

seriously i love all you guys. just trying to PUSH IT HARD.

Just work on your dynamics and could go shopping with this one - nice balance and sounds !!!


Posted by chris marsh on Mar-03-2015 22:16:

Originally posted by Richard Butler
I saw the trailer for the new horror movie, Clown, and so just had to make something. This is me at my most comfortable in terms of producing.

The fx are deliberately loud to make people jump.

I will send this one out, any mix crits? I will have it mastered by Raphie.

Hi Richard

its good to be back doing some music again

cool track! I think the first "thats not funny" is too dry maybe the whole track could do with more reverb imo

the fx at 1:00 like a reverse vocal fx is really cool how did you do that?

im Listening on my laptop and headphones, but the bass sounds banging, the fx are really cool and keep it interesting. Pretty warped!

I feel like the track could do with a nice big 909 ride on the off beat personally to help it chug along, or a bit more hi hats/percussion but that may just be me.

Heres my WIP. The mix is still rough and bear in mind its going to have vocals so I've deliberately left space etc

Posted by evo8 on Mar-03-2015 23:55:

Originally posted by chris marsh
Hi Richard

its good to be back doing some music again

cool track! I think the first "thats not funny" is too dry maybe the whole track could do with more reverb imo

the fx at 1:00 like a reverse vocal fx is really cool how did you do that?

im Listening on my laptop and headphones, but the bass sounds banging, the fx are really cool and keep it interesting. Pretty warped!

I feel like the track could do with a nice big 909 ride on the off beat personally to help it chug along, or a bit more hi hats/percussion but that may just be me.

Heres my WIP. The mix is still rough and bear in mind its going to have vocals so I've deliberately left space etc

really nice ^^^

Posted by Richard Butler on Mar-04-2015 15:22:

Originally posted by chris marsh
Hi Richard

its good to be back doing some music again

cool track! I think the first "thats not funny" is too dry maybe the whole track could do with more reverb imo

the fx at 1:00 like a reverse vocal fx is really cool how did you do that?

im Listening on my laptop and headphones, but the bass sounds banging, the fx are really cool and keep it interesting. Pretty warped!

I feel like the track could do with a nice big 909 ride on the off beat personally to help it chug along, or a bit more hi hats/percussion but that may just be me.

Heres my WIP. The mix is still rough and bear in mind its going to have vocals so I've deliberately left space etc

Firstly the mix is great and I really like the sound choices. The snare is spot on, I can never find nice acoustic (semi acoustic) open metallic snares like that.
I really dig the bass when it's played normally, but when it goes dubbish and reverse it does not sit well and disturbs the enjoyment, plus mate without wanting to sound like a dick that classic whooping bass is a bit over done, so personally I stick more with the normally enveloped bass with only the odd variation in sound such as the odd 'massive' growl or whatever.

Looking forward to see how the vocals go.

Thanks for the feedback on my track.
Yes I will work on some of the vocals to make them have more impact and will consider the ride cymbals.
I have some other changes to make so it keeps the interest better. Glad you felt the bass is ok, this for me is my biggest issue as I do not have great monitoring.
Once I've got this track finished, over to Raphie for some analogue goodness. I've released quirky tracks like this before (PS I did not send to you Story teller as it is not your style in terms of the main thrust of your label.

Posted by mysticalninja on Mar-07-2015 08:15:

trying out some diff stuff..

idk how to embed sc into post.. im noob

Posted by Evolve140 on Mar-07-2015 09:14:


Fk u ghostea quit stealing my glory

Posted by Evolve140 on Mar-07-2015 09:31:

Ya that chris marsh track is nice stuff. Show me how to make some bass sounds like that

Posted by matuto on Mar-07-2015 16:12:

read the rules on the first post..

Posted by Richard Butler on Mar-08-2015 17:19:

Hey Chris

actually I like the reverse bass now having heard it more. Lovely sounds in your track.

Here's Clown finished, and I'm pretty pleased with the drop, I added more drive and did a proper break, wut do ya fink of the mix n stuff before I get this mastered?

Posted by matuto on Mar-08-2015 18:09:

Originally posted by Richard Butler
Hey Chris

actually I like the reverse bass now having heard it more. Lovely sounds in your track.

Here's Clown finished, and I'm pretty pleased with the drop, I added more drive and did a proper break, wut do ya fink of the mix n stuff before I get this mastered?

Honestly, I loved the first half of the song before the break. I was really excited about it. But I really didnt enjoy the break, I think it was too loud. And the second part its too much repeative, I would add another quicky break to change the energy a bit.

In terms of mixing, its properly mixed imo.

Now what do you guys thinks about this progression?

Posted by Richard Butler on Mar-08-2015 19:00:

Originally posted by matuto
Honestly, I loved the first half of the song before the break. I was really excited about it. But I really didnt enjoy the break, I think it was too loud. And the second part its too much repeative, I would add another quicky break to change the energy a bit.

In terms of mixing, its properly mixed imo.

Now what do you guys thinks about this progression?

That's actually the sort of thing I need in my horror Clown track! It's very retro horror to me, and I like the way you slowly build it.

Thx for the feedback on mine, I will see what others say and make changes. My break is a bit incongruous!

Posted by deegee on Mar-08-2015 21:08:

Originally posted by matuto

Now what do you guys thinks about this progression?

I think it needs some more going on, for one. It's just four beats, new chord, four beats, new chord. There's no real interest there. And unfortunately the pluck moves from unpleasant-but-could-morph-to-something-interesting to kind of boring.

I hate giving feedback like this. The actual chord progression is nice enough, but I'd suggest some kind of ethereal pad behind it to harmonize and create more tension to be resolved.

Posted by Looney4Clooney on Mar-09-2015 03:39:

use an m1 piano instead of the pad. They sound great in the low register. Use a bII substitution instead of your V You have a huge gap in parts. Make the pluck fill more space. Make the pluck less clean adding noise and ease up on the resonance so it doesn't sound so jp 8000 unicorn

Posted by Seandroid on Mar-09-2015 03:58:

Originally posted by chris marsh
Hi Richard

its good to be back doing some music again

cool track! I think the first "thats not funny" is too dry maybe the whole track could do with more reverb imo

the fx at 1:00 like a reverse vocal fx is really cool how did you do that?

im Listening on my laptop and headphones, but the bass sounds banging, the fx are really cool and keep it interesting. Pretty warped!

I feel like the track could do with a nice big 909 ride on the off beat personally to help it chug along, or a bit more hi hats/percussion but that may just be me.

Heres my WIP. The mix is still rough and bear in mind its going to have vocals so I've deliberately left space etc

This is dope. I really like the deep housey donk wobbles haha. It's kind of a twist on a trend that's really popular right now and I dig that. It kind of reminds me of old Skream stuff but less dry. A little loungier.

Nice work!!

Originally posted by mysticalninja

trying out some diff stuff..

idk how to embed sc into post.. im noob

Also nice and deep housey! This is screaming for vocals though. I want to hear something like what's on Lost You by Zeds Dead. Really well done!

Originally posted by Richard Butler
Hey Chris

actually I like the reverse bass now having heard it more. Lovely sounds in your track.

Here's Clown finished, and I'm pretty pleased with the drop, I added more drive and did a proper break, wut do ya fink of the mix n stuff before I get this mastered?

There's lots of cool stuff in this thread right now. I really dig this too. Reminds me of some Slam stuff. I think you're at your best when you're at your most dark. This is really good.


I finished 2 of the tracks I posted earlier.

This one has the 2nd drop and a lot of fit and finish done.

I've shortened this track by nearly 3 minutes, re-recorded every vocal, and did a bunch of work on the arrangement.

Posted by deegee on Mar-09-2015 08:30:

I'd really love to heard Feed The Fire with a second, longer breakdown with the opening vocal phrase repeated again--I like the "I'm the hunter / and you are mine" bit more than the "fight or flight" clip, but hell, this belongs in a whole bunch of top-level crates as-is.

Survive isn't so much my style, but I'm loving how you did the layered self-harmonizing vocals (though it sounds like you're straining at the end of "I survived the life"--how's your breath support there? It sounds like you're really pushing to hit that note). And I suspect I'd like Survive a lot more in an altered state, on big-ass speakers.

Posted by Seandroid on Mar-09-2015 09:41:

Originally posted by deegee
I'd really love to heard Feed The Fire with a second, longer breakdown with the opening vocal phrase repeated again--I like the "I'm the hunter / and you are mine" bit more than the "fight or flight" clip, but hell, this belongs in a whole bunch of top-level crates as-is.

Survive isn't so much my style, but I'm loving how you did the layered self-harmonizing vocals (though it sounds like you're straining at the end of "I survived the life"--how's your breath support there? It sounds like you're really pushing to hit that note). And I suspect I'd like Survive a lot more in an altered state, on big-ass speakers.

The "Fight or Flight" section is the chorus in the original mix which is why I did the arrangement the way I did. I also didn't want the track to be longer than a pop tune.

In Survive - part of the reason I think you might be perceiving strain is the lyric is actually "I survive, alive." So it might sound like it's missing consonants but that's just not actually the lyric haha.

Posted by deegee on Mar-10-2015 03:28:

Ahh. Makes sense on the vocal. I'm just picky :P

No it's not a missing vowel, it's the scoop up you do with "-ive" in the harmonized vocal.

Posted by Seandroid on Mar-10-2015 03:48:

Originally posted by deegee
Ahh. Makes sense on the vocal. I'm just picky :P

No it's not a missing vowel, it's the scoop up you do with "-ive" in the harmonized vocal.

Interesting, do you feel like it sounds that way before the drop too? I don't think it sounds notably strained and I can hit that note pretty easily but maybe it sounds that way? hm

Posted by evo8 on Mar-10-2015 03:53:

Originally posted by mysticalninja

trying out some diff stuff..

idk how to embed sc into post.. im noob

this is really good as well, hate to be nitpicky but for me there is a bit too much reverb on the higher pitched arp around 1:30 to 1:45 and in the break, sounds like a room verb to my ears but it pushes that sound too far back in the mix for me!

everything else is spot on, nice chugging feel and melodies

Posted by chris marsh on Mar-10-2015 09:12:

Im away so just checked this thread thanks so much for the feedback guys. Its great to see this thread is still going strong! ! Ps when I'm back ill post up the snare rich its from a garage sample pack (rankin audio i think)

Posted by Richard Butler on Mar-10-2015 12:12:

Originally posted by Seandroid

I finished 2 of the tracks I posted earlier.

This one has the 2nd drop and a lot of fit and finish done.

I've shortened this track by nearly 3 minutes, re-recorded every vocal, and did a bunch of work on the arrangement.

At 2.40 in track one this really comes together, love that part.

Well done on your vocal work, I know how much effort this would have required.

Posted by deegee on Mar-10-2015 14:24:

Originally posted by Seandroid
Interesting, do you feel like it sounds that way before the drop too? I don't think it sounds notably strained and I can hit that note pretty easily but maybe it sounds that way? hm

Yes, it feels that way each time. Perhaps you're pushing too hard from your diaphragm?

Posted by madmuso on Mar-10-2015 23:10:


Originally posted by Seandroid
I finished 2 of the tracks I posted earlier.

This one has the 2nd drop and a lot of fit and finish done.

I've shortened this track by nearly 3 minutes, re-recorded every vocal, and did a bunch of work on the arrangement.

dig both. Im a sucker for melody and both songs have some great melodies going on. Really like the hook on survive, I think its killer, and the harmonies just add that extra something.
Still, I wanna hear that chorus really open up and explode, I got the same initial feeling as when I heard the song the first time in that the chorus/hook section sounded more to me like a "false" chorus which was about to repeat itself but with more impact the mext time around. Obviously thats just me! Awesome work mate, really dig your vox.

Hey I still wanna know what mic and pre you use, sounds nice!

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