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Posted by TranceLover007 on May-14-2013 22:54:

Originally posted by chris marsh
Ok thanks for your input. I agree that the sounds could do with redesgn thats a good point. I must admit I was going more for a 2009 style sound than a 2000 sound - the reason being that I haven't been making trance long (about a year now) and definatly don't have the production "chops" yet to tackle the modern trance sound - which it seems has very very high production standards. Hopefully I will in time and with practise and dedication
But honesty is the best policy as long as its objective. My aim for this track really is to make a track that stands up to that 2009 ish type sound and I actually personally believe that it may well do in the end - so although I wholeheartdly agree that this won't stand up to modern trance I respectfully disagree that it will sound like a track that's 13 odd years old by the time its properly finished and mixed._

Lol, agree man, it is not about me liking it or not but more about you feeling comfortable releasing it to the market and people wanting to listen to it ---> so definitely put in your best effort and finish this track and hopefully it's going to sound great my friend - all the best!



Posted by Juan Paulino on May-14-2013 22:57:

Originally posted by chris marsh
still lots to do on this

any thoughts welcome

just realized i dont like the fm risr before the drop sounds horrid thats going for sure!

Yes, this is great stuff man, love the sound. Keep it up man.

Posted by Richard Butler on May-14-2013 23:02:

Originally posted by chris marsh
still lots to do on this

any thoughts welcome

just realized i dont like the fm risr before the drop sounds horrid thats going for sure!

Chris this has a super strong intro - really reminds me of listening to an Above n Beyond albumn on holiday last year! Maybe you ought to change the hats and clap as they are slightly generic - really go wild and explore new tones there.

Now after the intro it falls apart, but I wuld not let that intro rot away as it really is good. Just redo the rest! As an example the synths in the break are just too standard and basic sounding - spend time really get them super sexy and different.


Posted by wangll on May-15-2013 08:40:

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Posted by chris marsh on May-15-2013 10:28:

@ Darek. well i posted this up because i wanted and respect your opinion mate, so thanks for giving it. I think you were pretty much spot on with your feedback - i guess sometimes the truth is hard to hear

@ Juan. Thanks mate, still needs a lot of work

@ Richard thanks mate very good constructive crit - i listen to it now and the plucks sound way to thin/boring as pointed out although i personally do like the midi pattern & melodies i can see now that the sounds do need redesigning or at the very least need an extra layer of detail/interest tc

Also agree about the hats - i was struggling to get the right hats and just used the 909 sounds in the end as they sound so good, problem is they do sound generic its true

Back to the drawing board as they say - i may just scrap this and start again

Posted by Vernon Wanderer on May-16-2013 14:43:

This is very fresh(basic pun intended), so don't give it too much thought.

I'm just looking for a tip.

I need to tame the main synth a bit, because it's overtaking the mix too much, but I don't want it to sound too quiet and lose it's impact. Not really sure how to go here.

I have split it's chord lines into two channel instances (low, typical sidechained bassline, and the rest is high notes) to get some flexibility, I have cut both ends of the frequency spectrum to a degree not to lose too much detail. The guitars have recieved a slight eq boost on some frequencies, as well as slightly boosted transients.

All tips very welcome.

Side note: this little thing took 40 minutes to export

Ignore the last 30 seconds, I forgot to close the filter on the bassline.

The synth appears at 1:40

EDIT:Here is an older version, before changes mentioned above, and with much larger cutoff range, for comparison:

Posted by TranceLover007 on May-16-2013 19:18:

Originally posted by Vernon Wanderer
This is very fresh(basic pun intended), so don't give it too much thought.

I'm just looking for a tip.

I need to tame the main synth a bit, because it's overtaking the mix too much, but I don't want it to sound too quiet and lose it's impact. Not really sure how to go here.

I have split it's chord lines into two channel instances (low, typical sidechained bassline, and the rest is high notes) to get some flexibility, I have cut both ends of the frequency spectrum to a degree not to lose too much detail. The guitars have recieved a slight eq boost on some frequencies, as well as slightly boosted transients.

All tips very welcome.

Side note: this little thing took 40 minutes to export

Ignore the last 30 seconds, I forgot to close the filter on the bassline.

The synth appears at 1:40

EDIT:Here is an older version, before changes mentioned above, and with much larger cutoff range, for comparison:

Man, those chords progression are very familiar to my ear - don't recall by who but definitely know around.

Cheers mate.


Posted by Vernon Wanderer on May-16-2013 20:16:

Originally posted by TranceLover007
Man, those chords progression are very familiar to my ear - don't recall by who but definitely know around.

Cheers mate.


This really worries me. I have some sort of unintentional ripoff phobia.

One time I accidentally recreated the chords from this one, only noticed it way too late and had to scrape the project, it was a pretty good trancer.

If any of you find out where these are coming from, let me know. It's a pretty simple progression of basic triads...

Posted by TranceLover007 on May-16-2013 23:22:

Originally posted by Vernon Wanderer
This really worries me. I have some sort of unintentional ripoff phobia.

One time I accidentally recreated the chords from this one, only noticed it way too late and had to scrape the project, it was a pretty good trancer.

If any of you find out where these are coming from, let me know. It's a pretty simple progression of basic triplets...

Lol, will try to do my homework and get this similar sound track for you but please don't stop doing what you are doing as this could be really good start to something really interesting.



Posted by chris marsh on May-17-2013 13:21:

Originally posted by Vernon Wanderer
This really worries me. I have some sort of unintentional ripoff phobia.

One time I accidentally recreated the chords from this one, only noticed it way too late and had to scrape the project, it was a pretty good trancer.

If any of you find out where these are coming from, let me know. It's a pretty simple progression of basic triplets...

Personally i wouldnt worry i mean show me a chord progression that hasn't been used? sounds like a nice start on the laptop

Posted by SystematicX1 on May-24-2013 18:53:

Welp...sticking my insecurities out on the line here. At the same time, ready for all your criticism. I think
This is a WIP that I am currently working on. It is a Reboot of Zedd's Spectrum (yes, you could ask "Why in the HELL did you pick that song of all songs to reboot" and I guess it was to combat a friend who is doing a remix of it but dub step)
Any feedback given to help me along with my noob progression will be taken in stride.

Notes - This track is being developed using a "dubstep" beat,although it's tempo is not at 140 bpm but rather 129. I did NOT want to make it a dubstep track so decided to experiment and it seems to work.I could be wrong as my noob ears are still developing.

This is my first track where I am nearly 90% working with my own sounds.I have been trying to ween myself off of loops however, there is still a small amount of preset usage. Still a noob trying to get better.

Posted by TranceLover007 on May-24-2013 19:59:

Originally posted by scorpradio
Welp...sticking my insecurities out on the line here. At the same time, ready for all your criticism. I think
This is a WIP that I am currently working on. It is a Reboot of Zedd's Spectrum (yes, you could ask "Why in the HELL did you pick that song of all songs to reboot" and I guess it was to combat a friend who is doing a remix of it but dub step)
Any feedback given to help me along with my noob progression will be taken in stride.

Notes - This track is being developed using a "dubstep" beat,although it's tempo is not at 140 bpm but rather 129. I did NOT want to make it a dubstep track so decided to experiment and it seems to work.I could be wrong as my noob ears are still developing.

This is my first track where I am nearly 90% working with my own sounds.I have been trying to ween myself off of loops however, there is still a small amount of preset usage. Still a noob trying to get better.

Yeah, before I can comment on this idea man, I would like you to spend some time on quality site of this WIP as right now it is really rough and hard to listen (over-compress and clipping) - sorry man, give me something a bit cleaner to work with and I will try to give you my honest opinion about it.



Posted by SystematicX1 on May-24-2013 20:09:

Thanks Derek for your reply. Interesting you said that as I am registering -6 db. I'll go back in and check it out

Posted by TranceLover007 on May-24-2013 20:22:

Originally posted by scorpradio
Thanks Derek for your reply. Interesting you said that as I am registering -6 db. I'll go back in and check it out

It is kind of strange that you are registering -6db and have this artificial fx (like sound deformation) going on in your WIP - soundcloud compression will not destroy your sound by that much!



Posted by evo8 on May-24-2013 21:14:

-6db what? RMS? or its peaking at -6db on your master channel? big difference

listening on my MBP speakers, and it actually sounds good enough to me, isnt this type of music supposed to sound loud anyway

maybe the kick could be brought up a bit or space made for it as its not really coming through in the mid-range

Posted by sundrip on May-24-2013 21:41:

There is definitely some sort of weird fluttering/distortion with the sounds, maybe you have some wierd compression settings on the master or something.

Posted by Deillon on May-24-2013 21:43:

It's clipping pretty hard. Improving the mix should be main priority.

Posted by SystematicX1 on May-25-2013 05:33:

Thanks for the replies all, and yep...listened to it on my friends monitors...yep, clipping badly. I will have to go in and see what the hell I did to make it so bad.
Thanks again and will repost after a mix change

Posted by SystematicX1 on May-25-2013 06:57:

Ok...lets try this again. For some reason (scratches head) I found in my Master channel a Stereo enhancer,limiter and glue compressor. I cant understand for the life of me why it was there but it was. Just glad it was noticed and remedied. is the unmixed version. No compression this time

Posted by Rodri Santos on May-25-2013 18:18:

Originally posted by scorpradio
Ok...lets try this again. For some reason (scratches head) I found in my Master channel a Stereo enhancer,limiter and glue compressor. I cant understand for the life of me why it was there but it was. Just glad it was noticed and remedied. is the unmixed version. No compression this time

Things i see. The intro lacks character, not very appropiate synths nor driving but maybe this is intended.

The breakdown strings sound offkey when the stabs drop maybe you are using a preset that is pitched and the chords are the correct ones but does not sound cool. I'd work on the sound design of this part also, the synth needs to cause more impact, add some release to the amp maybe. You need a deep bass playing the root note to be more epic.

Rest is ok, cool ryhtm and ideas.

Posted by SystematicX1 on May-26-2013 17:35:

Originally posted by Rodri Santos
Things i see. The intro lacks character, not very appropiate synths nor driving but maybe this is intended.

The breakdown strings sound offkey when the stabs drop maybe you are using a preset that is pitched and the chords are the correct ones but does not sound cool. I'd work on the sound design of this part also, the synth needs to cause more impact, add some release to the amp maybe. You need a deep bass playing the root note to be more epic.

Rest is ok, cool ryhtm and ideas.

Thanks Rodri for your reply. I have to say that some things I agree with and others I dont. The intro is intended to be just a bed (if you will)for the song, building intensity as it goes. So , is intended.
I do believe the reason the stabs (which are a 7 track layer)and surrounding synths might not have the impact is due in part to your last comment which I do agree, it's bass. Personally, I dont feel it sounds out of tune or pitched ( I also have gotten multiple opinions concerning this from others after you posted,from your response, and the others seem to agree. As well, if you heard each layer of tones you would probably see the difference) was agreed across the board, it still comes down to ...bass.
Do want to say Thank you for your reply. It is ALWAYS helpful to get a fresh ear on your music.Especially, from a point of view that is constructive. I always find friends saying"Oh wow, that sounds really cool"...I dont want or need Here on TA, you guys know your shit...and wont hesitate to call b.s. =OP Thanks Man!

Posted by NoName_At_All on May-26-2013 19:14:

Originally posted by scorpradio
Ok...lets try this again. For some reason (scratches head) I found in my Master channel a Stereo enhancer,limiter and glue compressor. I cant understand for the life of me why it was there but it was. Just glad it was noticed and remedied. is the unmixed version. No compression this time

Everything sounds fine to my ears. The break is very good. I like how the vocals goes together with the pads. One thing that sounds strange is the raiser which gains to much volume in the very end.

And in the start of the break I think you could layer and fatten up the stabs who would be better with a little more body.

Posted by SystematicX1 on May-26-2013 19:31:

Originally posted by NoName_At_All
Everything sounds fine to my ears. The break is very good. I like how the vocals goes together with the pads. One thing that sounds strange is the raiser which gains to much volume in the very end.

And in the start of the break I think you could layer and fatten up the stabs who would be better with a little more body.

All great tips...already started on that end =O)(Keeps reminding self "Bass...more bass!!" god my neighbors hate me)
Thanks for the feedback,always appreciated!

Posted by Dj_Kile on May-26-2013 19:45:

any dexter fans here
the end credit is called Blood Theme
I put this thing together around it, somewhat chilled mixed with breaks and dark themes

Posted by NoName_At_All on May-26-2013 20:01:

Originally posted by scorpradio
All great tips...already started on that end =O)(Keeps reminding self "Bass...more bass!!" god my neighbors hate me)
Thanks for the feedback,always appreciated!

I don't know if I agree that it needs more bass. The stabs needs more mid I think. Maybe they will be fine after a EQ boost.

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