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Posted by Derosas on Jun-09-2004 08:45:

microQ kix azz

Posted by thecYrus on Jun-09-2004 08:51:

Originally posted by Derosas
off topic kind of-

I noticed a few dual monitor (computer monitor) setups. Are there actually two computers or just two monitors hooked up to one comp? How is this benificial? and how do you set it up? seems unecessary to me, but a lot of people seem to have this setup

i couldn't work anymore without a dual monitor setup.. it lets you have the mixer on one screen and the seqeuncer on the other..

Posted by trancenrg69 on Jun-15-2004 02:09:

Posted by Stephenox on Jun-15-2004 02:13:

Originally posted by trancenrg69

Looks pretty simple, clean, and useable. Although other people have complex-looking setups, yours is pretty "concise." Nicely done.

Posted by trancenrg69 on Jun-15-2004 02:54:

Looks pretty simple, clean, and useable. Although other people have complex-looking setups, yours is pretty "concise." Nicely done.

Thanks By the way i didn't include the software vsts and sample cds in that drawer under my pc. I got over 200 sample cds and vsts in there including vsts based samplers like atmosphere, trilogy, kontakt, kompakt, intakt,sampletank, and many many more. I'm gonna start loading them in, gonna take a while. Probably gonna fill my 120 gig harddrive in no time.

I plan on purchasing the powercore virus also probably around september when i have the cash, so my nordlead3 has a friend to play with.

I'm a very neat person and I fiond that I wortk more efficiently in a uncluttered space. Good lighting, fresh air, room to stretch are important to me. Also the more hardware you have the more confusing it gets, it forces you to learn what you have.

Posted by DeSpErAtOs-X on Jun-15-2004 07:33:

awsome equip !! it looks simple .. but it's very advanced ... i like that ... easy to work too !! A nice and tidy produce-corner

by the way, what are your experiences with the E-Mu 1212 ?? i'm planning to get myself a card like that if it's good ...

Posted by trancenrg69 on Jun-15-2004 08:25:


I highly recommend the enu 1212m. A few reasons why it's a great card is

1.It has great ad/da converters, top of the line used in the flagship pro tools system. The only stuff that sounds better is if you dish out 3000$ for something like an apogee 8000.
2.Latency is very low, can go to 2ms.
3. Sound quality is incredible and even beats cards like the Lynx 2(1500$) in most snr and freq tests, even better if u export at 24 96.
4. The drivers although still in their infancy are very stable.
5. The onboard emu dsp chip is great. You can run pretty cool effects without any hit on cpu.
6. if you need more inputs , you can always buy the breakout box seperatley (300us$)

Here is a superb review with sample tests.

Posted by DeZmA on Jun-15-2004 08:28:

Originally posted by trancenrg69

pretty funny how that desk is always neat and tidy..
dumped my mess 1 meter to the right also for my pics

Posted by DeZmA on Jun-15-2004 08:31:

Originally posted by Vert
Thanks for the mini-review. Samples would be great ..


i'll take care of it this weekend..
my last exams this week
not that it takes long but it's a pain to record with my 6fire

i've used it in about all my songs
it can do everything efx, pads, riffs, leads, drums, it's crazy I tell you.. listen to my hooves

Posted by trancenrg69 on Jun-15-2004 08:44:

There is nothing else in the room, no junk, other than a couch in back of the table with some of the manuals and my powercore. Even the closet is empty.:P

Posted by DeZmA on Jun-15-2004 08:59:


well my eq is in my bedroom so I can't keep it neat

Posted by trancenrg69 on Jun-15-2004 09:02:

your eq? Are you talking about a hardware eq unit?

Posted by DeZmA on Jun-15-2004 18:53:

Originally posted by trancenrg69
your eq? Are you talking about a hardware eq unit?

maybe it makes more sense now ( i can't figure it did as you interpreted it)

Posted by Vert on Jun-16-2004 03:20:

I do not understand how people can use their computer keyboards when they put their huge ass synth keyboards in front of them.. seems very unconfortable. Maybe music comes first or something..

trancenrg69, I'd definitly think about buying yourself an additional second 17" or even a 19" monitor for your setup. 1024xwhatever is not alot of space to work in imho. Hope that helps.


Posted by Sirocco on Jun-16-2004 03:39:

Originally posted by trancenrg69
There is nothing else in the room, no junk, other than a couch in back of the table with some of the manuals and my powercore. Even the closet is empty.:P

nice setup man ;p

Posted by trancenrg69 on Jun-16-2004 03:47:

I never use my computer keyboard considering the studio is offline (i even put the Ethernet jumper on disable on my motherboard), so the mouse sees all the work. The nordlead3 is in the perfect place, right in front of me ready to be played on while my right arm is on the mouse beside it. In that photo the mouse is not beside the nord where the nord3 manual is because the chord doesnt reach. I bought a 6 foot mouse extension chord today so now its right beside the nord , very comfortable, im gonna buy one of those gel mouspads that put stress off the wrist.

My studio is incredibly confortable and ive produced on my old pc with 1 monitor without any problems. Having a 2nd monitor is a convenience I dont care much for, after all, its not like i cant afford a 2nd monitor, they are cheap.

Posted by trancenrg69 on Jun-16-2004 03:52:

nice setup man ;p

Thanks Man

Posted by krayzie on Jun-16-2004 04:33:

trancenrg69, how do you like the nord lead 3?

Posted by Flashback on Jun-16-2004 04:55:

Ok here is my studio. Notice I have way to much crap around because of summer school.

ok here it is from left to right
Left mackie 1604 vlz pro, emu xlead, fmr rnc, patch bay

Middle jomox xbase, tb 303 (buy in on ebay) genelecs

Right yamaha ex5, korg t1

Ground rs7000, ms2000r, some pedals

Nord lead 3, some idiot spilled coke on a few buttons... I had to clean them... I am waiting for replacements. Best of, I bought it used in "mint condition."

In progress paia kits, vocoder, fatman, and tube preamp

Posted by trancenrg69 on Jun-16-2004 05:13:

[IMG]trancenrg69, how do you like the nord lead 3?[/IMG]

I love it I demoed many synths before I decided on the NL3. Not to knock the other big synths like the Virus, Supernova, Waldorf, Jp, etc.. but the best way to judge a synth is by playing with it dry. The NL3 has no onboard effects so what you hear is totally dry although the unison detune sound alot like a Chorus.

So i tested every synth dry without effects because frankly most effects on a hardware synth are not that great as is compared to top notch hardware fx racks.

And the Nord destroyed all of them. Even dry it's rich, warm, fuzzy and has incredible sound quality. It's incredible at making power leads (From dance oriented styles likeIan Van Dahl all the way to trancier stuff ala Thrillseekers, Armin)but the best it does is pads. Never heard pads so rich and thick before. It can do even orchestral stuff which is absolutely mindblowing, and its great for basses and fx also.

The filters could be better. Don't get me wrong they are nice but not the same character as the ones on the virus. The virus has ferocious filter that can really squel.

It's 4 part multitimbral with 24 voices and it can store over 1000 presets in 8 banks.

By the way Flashback, it hurts me too see your nord in that condition. I hope it gets fixed real soon. Nice genelecs

Posted by Flashback on Jun-16-2004 05:44:

it still works, it is just the two lfo wave form buttons are all sticky. I took it apart and removed the buttons, cleaned the board and buttons, but I need to align one of the buttons. Also I might just wait for the new buttons from nord, since these are just kind of messed up.

I do agree, the nord lead 3 is rather amazing. I keep on saying where the hell are the effects, but it sends chills through my body without them. Yet, I don't really use much effects except on the computer anyway. On my ex5 I just make detuned leads and multilayered pads, not using much reverb etc because it never sits well in a mix. I can make the fattest sounds in the world on my ex5... but it just doesn't work well in the mix. Similar to a roland jupiter being to fat of a sound.

Posted by trancenrg69 on Jun-16-2004 06:13:

Yeah I hear that from alot of people. I know a few guys who actually sold their virus c cause it was to hard for them to get it to sit in the mix.But then again i heard people say the nl3 is hard to get to sit in a mix. I think it really depends on the sound your after and the style you produce.

Posted by Sebraa on Jun-16-2004 06:55:

Originally posted by trancenrg69
Thanks Man

hi trancenrg69!

Question: Your room is very empty. Don't you have any accoustic sound bouncing problems? Hope you understand what I mean

BTW: nice minimalistic studio buildup

Posted by trancenrg69 on Jun-16-2004 07:07:

hey Sebra thanks, I read a few acoustic articles on room placement. My speakers are 2 feet from the back wall and 3 from the side which is good. My monitors are 30 degree outward also which is good and when i sit down the tweeter is a ear level and my head forms a equalateral triangle which is good.

If i play them really really loud that neighbours are knocking at my door then the bass in out of control but at normal listening levels the bass is pretty much controlled. I do plan on getting some bass traps later on next year because they will definently help my mixes, but for now everything seems fine

The closer they are to you the less the room acoustics get involved. they are about 3 1/2 feet apart which isnt alot.

Posted by Sebraa on Jun-16-2004 07:12:

Originally posted by trancenrg69
The closer they are to you the less the room acoustics get involved. they are about 3 1/2 feet apart which isnt alot.

Thanks for the answer. Other room for listening pleasure?

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